Chapter 1

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I awakened. Slowly i blinked my eyes twice and saw the time on my alarm. It was already in the morning, 6.30 am. Oh my god, apparantly i fell asleep last night, but i don't know what time. I just recalled that i was lying on the bed, reading a novel as i waited for him.

I turned my head, looking at the place beside me on this king size bed and found him was sleeping soundly. I sighed relief without making a sound. I was worry last night since he didn't pick up my call and i didn't know what time he was back but but thanks god that he was here now.

I rose from the bed, walking our from the bedroom towards my desk at the living room. I turned on my laptop and sat in front of it. Checking email and schedule were my daily mandatory activity since i signed in radio 912 as announcer. I have my own broadcast hour 3 times a week in the radio beside my other job as a fashion reporter for RTL.

It was September. The weather began to felt cold in the morning. It might be that we would have an extreme winter again this year. I put both of my legs on the chair and rubbed them to get a bit warmth but it didn't help. So i went to the kitchen, took a fresh milk from refrigerator and poured it into the glass. I put it in the microwave to warm it. Hot milk was always be a good friend for me in the morning. I also put some chocolate powder on it to make the taste more delicious. And ehmm yes.. It was really delicious.

I was about to walk back to my desk when i heard the sound of the door from

the upstairs. It must be him, i thought. So i decided to stay at the kitchen, preparing breakfast for us. I put some breads into the toaster, fried the eggs, mixed the salad, and poured orange juice and milk for him.

"Good morning," i said when i saw him walked into the kitchen.

"Hey.. Morning," he greeted me back without looked at me. He directly sat on one of bar stools and seemed busy, typing something on his phone. I didn't know what he was doing with his phone but maybe he was chatting with his friend on WhatsApp or Skype.

I walked to the table as i brought a plate of toast and laid it in front of him. I took one piece and took my seat beside him. "What time you came home last night?" I asked as i bite my toast.

"I don't recall, 2 maybe," he said, shrugged once. He took one piece of toast too but his attention didn't move from his phone.

"I called you many times but you didn't answer it. Were you at Marcell place again?" I asked.

"Yeah.. I think i already text you yesterday," said him.

"You didn't," i replied immediately. Yeah, i didn't recall how many times i called him last night but he didn't pick up my calls. I left 2 or 3 messages too, asking where he was but he also didn't answer it.

"Really? Oh.. Maybe i forget," he simply responded without giving any attention at my words.

"Forget? Marco, you know that i'm worry about you. I don't mind if you wanna hang out with your friends but at least you have to tell me," i said, upset. Okay, after i told him that i was worry about him all night long then he just gave me a simply answer? Forget?

"I didn't go anywhere. I just stayed at Marcel's place, played fifa like usual. Call him if you don't believe me," Marco said, still with a cool tones and without looking at me.

"I didn't say that i don't believe you. I just need to know your condition. I'm your girlfriend," i raised my voice to make him give more attention to this conversation.

"Don't shout at me, Mil," he protested. Finally he laid his phone on the table and turned to look at me. "Okay, next time i will call you every ten minutes and i'm sorry about last night," he added. His face was like saying, 'are happy now?'

"You said the same thing for many times but it always happened again," i said. Actually i hate to arguing with him in the morning like this. It could turn all my day become a bad day. But i couldn't stand with his behavior.

"So what do you want me to do?" He asked as he lifted half both of his arms. He stared at me for a moment.

"I don't know," i shook my head. "Just don't do it again please," i pleaded him then. I didn't know what i supposed to say to him. I didn't wanna be a sucks girlfriend who always forbid him to do this and that or following him everywhere he goes like someone. But sometimes i felt frustrated with this. I felt maybe i need to be sucks sometimes.

"Okay i promise. I will not do it again," said Marco, making a peace sign with his fingers.

"You wanna go now?" I asked when he rose from his seat of a sudden.

"Yeah.. I have training at 10," said Marco as he sipped his orange juice and took another piece of toast. He put his toast on his mouth as his grabbed his phone from the table.

"But it's still 8am right now," i said. My eyes followed his movement from the bar table to the living room.

"I wanna do extra training. We have match against Hamburg this week remember?" He said as he grabbed his gym bag from the beige sofa at the living room.

"Oh.. Yeah i know," i replied slowly. I turned my eyes to look down, staring at my toast and strawberry jam on the plate.

"See you tonight babe," said Marco as he walked towards the front door and disappeared. I even haven't say anything to reply him. It seemed that he couldn't wait more longer to be in the Brackel as soon as possible.

I sighed loudly. I immediately finished my breakfast although my appetit was already gone since a while ago. I still feel upset at him. Eventhough he already made a promise but i didn't know if i could keep his promise or not. Many things happened, many things changed. I realized that we were not the same anymore.

I flashed back my memory to the 2 years ago when we had just moved here. He said that it feels like come home. And he was really happy that he could join BVB again.

I met him about 3 years ago when i had to report the style of the football players. I still lived in Berlin that time. We met, we talked, and it all continued until finally we were dating. München Gladbach to Berlin, Berlin to München Gladbach, distance was not a problem for us. And soon after we made it official, people called us as a dream couple. Marco and Mila. M&M.

After he signed a contract with BVB, he asked me to moved to Dortmund to live with him and i agreed. So we lived together at this apartment, the two floors apartment with 2 bedrooms on the second floor. This is very a lovely place, we designed it together. It's like a love nest for us. Both of us have our own favorite place besides the bedroom at this apartment. Living room is his favorite, he spends many times there to watching or play video game. And me, kitchen and my desk are my favorite.

At first everything was fine. We were so happy for our relationship and i really thankful that i could find a guy like him. Marco is brilliant, amazing guy in everything to me. He's the one and only man i loved. I never guessed that everything could be changed because of that day and now, it even became more worse. He seemed not care about us anymore. There was only football and football in his mind. He trained more than the others. He always came early and be the last person who left the Brackel.

Suddenly i felt something on my cheek. It was my tears. I wiped it immediately with my hand. I didn't know how many times i cried for him. Recalling all of our sweet memory and how was he changed now, made my heart hurt. It seemed that there was no warmth again between us. There were no love and care like before. There was no us. There were only a guy who was obsessed with win title and the girl who felt left out.

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