Chapter Three

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"Once upon a time,i was falling in love.But now i'm falling apart"

9 years ago

I have never been this excited all my life. I said the same thing when i completed my first degree. But then this feeling beats being a graduate at 21 a thousand times over. No i can't explain it. Only a man who has worn the same shoes as mine will know how it feels. I couldn't stop smiling. I was happy. No! happy isn't the word, ecstatic will do. I kept chanting praises and thanks to my creator. Hajiya was with Baba when i entered his living room. I sat on the rug and greeted them both. They were also happy and both of them congratulated me. Baba went on;

Ahmad, after much research on Sakinah and her background, her family, your uncles and i have come to a consensus that both of you are fit to become a part of each other's families. We have completed almost all the pre marriage rites and have even agreed upon a date for the wedding. It will inSha Allah hold on the first saturday of February, that is in the next 3 months. Your mother will shop for the lefe and complete the remaining pre marriage formalities. May Allah bless you both and what you are about to embark on.

I could no longer hide my excitement. I thanked Baba and Hajiya countless times. Baba congratulated me again and preached to me about marriage and all that it entails. He asked Allah to bless me again and gave me two keys. One was a key to one of his newly completed houses at layout and the other a key to a brand new trending Benz. I can't remember how many times i thanked my parents and prayed to Allah to grant them long lives. And just like that, i'm an even happier man. My state of euphoria is indescribable. Three gifts in one day, how much more will i ask of my Lord. How many more blessings can a man be given. And in my contentment and appreciation to my Allah, that night i recited even longer surahs in my nafils than i usually do, read out of the Qur'an for a very extended period of time, recited azkars and kept praising Allah until i dozed off with the intention of giving out ample sadaqah the next morning.

Present day

I reached out to turn off the sound of the annoying alarm emanating from my phone which purportedly is to wake me up for tahujjud. Apparently, it need not because i am wide awake. Since i came back from Hajiya's, i have been lying down and thinking of my life. I can't believe Hajiya got another lady for me to marry. A girl i can't and won't love ever. Her or any other for that matter. A girl that does not even know me and is probably head over heels in love with another man. Looking at the situation from this perspective, it's actually unfair to her too. The poor girl! If only she'll reject the proposal then she'll be saving herself a lifetime of misery. Why did Hajiya think of this as a solution? A solution to what anyway?
Who says i'm not pleased with my life as it is right now? Oh Hajiya, what are you trying to get me into? My love life is as good as the smoke that is dispelled off burning garbage. My heart is shattered, the pieces forever lost. It's only by the will of its creator that it's still performing its primary function (pumping blood). But Alhamdulillah i can't complain for all that Allah bestow upon his servant is best for him and Allah does not burden a soul with what it cannot bear. I sighed and rose up to perform my tahajjud and pray to my Lord for it is reported that when 'Allah inspires your tongue to ask, know that he wants to give.'

It's been two weeks since the last time i visited Hajiya. Now that i am driving to the main house (Hajiya's), i kept recalling that faithful night i visited her after she returned from Gombe. My heart feels heavy and i begin to dread going to see her that i consider turning the car around and going back home. Woe and behold, the gate came into view and i can figure out Abba and Amin standing outside and holding onto Zayyad and Khultum (my nephew and niece, kids of my immediate brother Abdulazeez). It's been long since i've last seen them and i miss them. I drove inside the house and parked. Immediately i alighted, i was met with the screams of the kids welcoming me as they ran towards me. I scooted to their level and they both hugged the air out of me. They are as happy as i am to see them too, how i missed them. The last time they were in Katsina for a holiday from Abuja (Abdulazeez works there), i was at Lagos attending a National conference which lasted till they left Katsina. I walked into the house carrying Khultum who is younger and holding Zayyad's hand. We went to Hajiya who was together with Yusra (Abdulazeez's wife), i greeted Hajiya and teased Yusra non-stop. After about an hour, the kids and myself left the women and went to play jigsaw puzzle on the patio. I was laughing heartily (something i haven't done in a while) when Zayyad suddenly cut me off almost making me choke in the process as saliva passed down my windpipe. He asked of Sakinah. Ya Allah! Zayyad why the mention of her name? And just like that, my world came crashing down.

Uncle Ahmad are you sleeping with your eyes open? Why are you not answering me?

He lightly tapped on my shoulder and opened his wide doe-like eyes in question. I forced a smile and told him that i am wide awake. He then added that Aunty Sakinah promised to buy him a drivable toy car that they once saw at Umar Stores on his 5th birthday but she is still yet to and his 6th birthday is coming up soon. I promised to get the toy car for him before they travel back to Abuja. And it was then that Khulthum decided to join the chat.

Uncle Ahmad take me to aunty Shakeeeenah (Sakinah) too. I want her to promish (promise) me a barbie doll also. Beshydes (Besides) she no longer callsh (calls) mummy everyday to talk to me.

Her funny baby voice and pronounciations made me smile. They miss her too. Who wouldn't if they received her love too.

I miss her too.

I uttered more like a whisper.

Third chapter down...yey! I really hope you guys like the story and how its going so far. Do recommend and vote.To all those lovelies reading my words, thanks.
To Mehrunisah and ZaratuAbba this one is for you darlings. Am so proud of heartbroken for reuniting long lost friends.

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