Chapter Twenty-Four

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"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead"


When i came home, i found a full house. Ruqayyah, Abba, Amin and another woman. I think she's the neighbour. They were laughing and eating. All except my wife. I interrupted their chit chat for a while as we exchanged pleasantries. I stood for a few minutes more asking Abba about his Youth Service. I kept glancing at Ruqayyah's way but she was so attentive of what the neighbour was telling her. Just imagine. I came home early just to see her and to check for any improvements in her health but she didn't even acknowledge my presence. I think Abba noticed that my attention was on her 'cause he laughed then said

Adda Ruky you should attend to your husband lest he would chase us out of his house.

I glared at Abba before quietly heading to my room. I plugged in a charger to charge my phone then sat for a few minutes before changing into a jallabiya. I was spraying myself with my favourite Rasasi when a knock came on the door. I watched at the door through the mirror waiting for her to push it open and come in but she didn't. The knock came again followed by a salam. I was greeted by Aisha's happy face when i opened the door.

Ya Ahmad your lunch is on the table or do you prefer i bring it to your room? Or the other living room maybe?

No Aisha i am not hungry. Thank you.

I replied in a flat tone then closed my door. "What a wife" i sighed. How could she send Aisha to bring over my food. If not for the presence of the neighbour, i really would have chased them out. People do not know that a man demands his wife's attention after a day's work. How shallow minded. Oh! they do not have wives. l'll make sure i repay them when they do get married. Yes i'm the big brother. But at times like this, it really sucks being the eldest. Now i regret coming home early. My phone rang, cutting through my thoughts and i answered. After ending the call, i took out my laptop and left the room. I intentionally chose to use the front door so i could see her before going to work on some documents in the garden. Abba had to ask if i was going back to the office when he saw me. With that mouth of his that looks it looks like mine, normal. So annoying i just shook my head to signify no and headed out closing the door behind me. Well, more like banging it. This guest is over staying her welcome as well.

I booted my laptop and opened the document. Ten minutes afterwards and i'm still rereading one sentence unable to make meaning of it. Frustrated, i smacked the laptop closed and sighed. Sensing the presence of someone approaching, i looked in that direction and behold it's she. She held a tray in her hand and smiled at me when my eyes met hers. I almost returned the smile but remembered that i am mad at her so i turned my head away and back to my laptop screen. When she said salam, i answered without looking at her,  pretending to be busy. She sat opposite me on the rug and remained quiet for a while as she fidgeted with her fingers in her laps. I decided to spare her the uneasiness

Ya Ahmad welcome back. Again.

Mm Thank you. Came my short reply.

Aisha just informed me that you haven't touched your lunch.

Mmm! I wasn't hungry.

It's cous-cous. Cooked just the way you like it.

She opened the plate and soon a waft hit my nose and my tummy growled at the scent. Oops! stupid tummy. I lifted my head to meet her eyes which she quickly averted but failed to hide her smile. She scooted closer to me and while apologising, closed the laptop and picked it off my laps. She kept it aside and apologised again.

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