Chapter Two

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"If destiny was presented to man,he would choose the one that Allah has already chosen for him"

The muadhin's voice snapped me out of my daydream. Ya Salam! it is maghrib already. I have been sitting here for more than two hours. Subhanallah. I reached for my phone and i have eight missed calls. Five of which are from Hajiya. Immediately i came back from the masjid after isha prayer, i dialled her number and she answered on the second ring.

As salamu alaiki Hajiya Mama i said to her.

Wa alaikas salam Ahmad where have you been? Why are you just returning my call? Didn't you see my calls?

She asked in between breathes and went on without even sparing me a second to answer her.

Haba Ahmad. What kind of life are you living? Are you going to go on like this forever? It's been three years. Three years for Allah's sake. It is high time you move on. It really is.

My bipolar mother. Her tone changed again. Concern laced her voice.

How are you? I was so worried about you. You did not even call to ask if i have reached safely which is so unlike you. As promised, i called but you did not answer. Ahmad i am worried sick about you. You've been thinking all day i'm sure. This has to stop. I've got to rest now. Promise me you'll take good care of yourself and quit thinking before you get an attack. Please!

I assured Hajiya i will stop thinking and told her not to worry before bidding her a good night. But i could tell she was not convinced. After the call with Hajiya, i prayed witr and sat for a while on the praying mat asking Allah to heal my heart and find me a reason to move on. This has been the routine for the past three years.


After praying zuhr, i prayed for my son's happiness. Ahmad have been a jovial child since birth up until the past three years. He used to have an infectious smile and an air of cheeriness to him. I want that Ahmad back. I want my son to be happy again. He deserves nothing short of happiness. Even in his present sad state, he has people's best interest at heart and wishes only to see them happy. I'll be flying back to Katsina tomorrow inSha Allah but i promised Hajiya Hindu (my late husband's friend's wife) i would visit her when next i came to Gombe. Let me get ready and go to her house i said, also in my thoughts.

I was ushered into the living room and was served a tray of cold drink and snacks shortly after. Few minutes later, Hajiya Hindu came into the living room walking all graciously. Upon seeing me, she quickened her pace and approached me with a huge smile on her face.

Ahhh Hajiya Bilkisu welcome, you kept your promise after all.

We exchanged pleasantries and chatted for over an hour, catching up on old times. Then we discussed about the kids. I told her about Ahmad and my concern over his present situation.

Hajiya Bilkisu you ought to be worried sincerely. Which mother won't be. I suggest he remarries. Maybe then he'll have someone that'll take care of him and him, her. He'll eventually forget Sakinah.

I thought about Hajiya's suggestion for a few seconds and thanked her. I've been considering that option myself. She truly is a good woman. People usually advice me to give him time, that he'll eventually come around but he's just taking too long. He might never come around, i fear. After another thirty minutes, i told Hajiya it was getting late and i had to prepare for my journey the next day .She wanted me to stay a bit longer but i insisted on taking my leave. We were still chatting as she escorted me to the car. Mid talk, the gate opened and a car drove in. It was her co-wife and their daughters who had apparently come back from a wedding walima. The co-wife, Hajiya Hafsah and the children approached us and greeted me in a very respectful manner. I was impressed. The kids left us with the mothers and after a few minutes, Hajiya Hafsah went inside as well. Just then a thought crossed my mind and i voiced it out to Hajiya Hindu.

Hajiya i was just thinking if among the daughters of your household, one will agree to a union with my Ahmad. It'll be a great honour to marry from the Alhaji Muhammad Ali's household.

Hajiya Hindu had a blank expression on her face. And in the split of a second, a wide grin appeared on her face.

There's no problem Hajiya Bilkisu. It will be an even greater honour marrying my daughter off to the first son of Alhaji Abdulhamid Sani. Hajiya this is great news. Hamidah is of age so there is no problem. Their father will be happy once this news is relented to him. Allah ya sanya khair.

I left Hajiya Hindu's house full of joy. I am glad i visited her. InSha Allah this marriage will help recover Ahmad's happiness. I had a feeling that his misery is at the verge of ending. This is it. Alhamdulillah!. A daughter from a very respectable home whom i'm a 100 percent certain will take good care of him and open up his heart again. My not so planned visit to Gombe is khair.

Abba and Amin were both happy when i told them about the news of Hamidah. They were doubtful though as to whether their brother would agree to marrying again, a total stranger too. We were still discussing the issue when Ahmad said salam and entered my room after we answered in chorus. His brothers walked out of the room and left the two of us. He greeted me and sat at my feet.

Hajiya what is so important that cannot wait till tomorrow when you're fully rested? You know with you being jet-lagged after every flight you take and all.

And he gave me a smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. And as a mother, that instantly broke my heart. But i smiled back and broke the news to him nonetheless. Ahmad looked at me with begging eyes and asked for more time. But after much persuasion, he gave in. He wasn't happy about my decision and i wasn't happy with forcing a wife on him either. But what has to be done must be done. It is for his good and as long as there's life, he'll thank me one day. My heart is at peace knowing Hamidah will be his wife inSha Allah.

Ahmad just consider this...everything,that has happened and what is about to as a test of faith.The stronger your faith,the harder your tests and you know.Trust in Allah and endure patiently.

He quietly listened to me until i finished talking. He remained quiet for a while.

May Allah enable me endure and pass this test, Hajiya continue praying for me.

He finally spoke. He then bade me good night, rose and walked towards the door. I looked at him and as he was about opening the door, called after him.

Allah ya maka albarka Ahmad.

He turned and replied with an

Ameen hajiya, do get some sleep.

I could have sworn i saw tears run down his cheeks as he hastily opened the door and closed it behind him.

Here goes the second chapter. Dedicated to my darling  bilkisusafana.
Thank you girlfriend.

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