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I felt a sharp cramp in my back again. It made me stop in my tracks for some seconds before i proceeded to the living room. Keeping the glass i was holding on the nearest coffee table, i sat next to him. He folded the paper he was reading and dropped it next to the glass. He moved closer to me and pulled me in. I snuggled into him and breathed a sigh of contentment. He kept running his hand up and down the length of my arm. Sending goosebumps all over me. We stayed like that for a while, the only sound the humming of the air con. There is nothing as comforting as being in my husband's arm.
I don't know where i would've been without him. My phone rang and instead of giving me, he answered it. An indicator that it's either one of his siblings, Aunty Yusra or Adda Asma.

Umm Maimuna Shukra!

He drawled making me smile. They spoke for about twenty five minutes. He kept teasing her for most part of the conversation. Then she put Shukra through and they spoke, well if you count baby gibberish and him cooing and making funny sounds over the phone as speaking then yeah, they spoke for like three minutes. Then they went straight on to talking about me like i wasn't even there. I occasionally chipped in to disagree on things he said about me to which i had no recollection whatsoever on when those happened. Each time, he just ignored me and kept rambling on. Next thing, he was asking her opinion on what name to give the baby, my baby. Since i was inconclusive of a name according to him. I couldn't believe my ears. The man made us, made me come up with names to name the baby for both genders and even names for twins. I thought we already know what to name the baby. Adda Asma even gave suggestions. I know 'cause he was like "yeah i think that's a nice name for a boy" and "nooo Umm Shukra you're so ancient (laughs) being called Abu Hauwa'u" isn't appealing to my ears". He even rolled his eyes. I can't believe my sister and husband are ganging up against me. And whenever Amin or Abba and i talk about him in a teasing manner, he disapproves. He goes all big brother on them shutting them up. And ends up scowling. I was thankful when i heard him dissing her about being a broke lecturer and wife of a CEO with limited airtime on her phone. To my surprise, he reached for his phone and dialled her number again. They took off right where they stopped. He only got off the phone when he heard the muadhin calling the adhaan. Even then he promised to call her back. Only then did he remember my presence.

Beautiful i have to get ready for the masjid now. I don't want to miss the reward for the Friday khutbah like i did last week.

I stayed in my spot while he went in to get ready for the Friday prayer. He came back to the living room minutes later clad in a black short sleeved kaftan with gold colored embroidery and a matching cap perched atop his head. He wore black shiny sandals on his feet. He stood some few feets away clasping his gold Invicta wristwatch. I couldn't help but drool at his sight. And i felt my chest swell with pride knowing that the charming man before me is mine. My husband.

You can stop gawking now you know. God i'm so handsome.

He smirked. And i laughed.

So full of yourself. And who says you are handsome.

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