Chapter Nineteen

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"I miss you like a page misses the next, like February misses 29, like the moon misses the sun everytime you are missing from me"

It's a tuesday and i'm bored. I was curled up on the couch with a remote in hand flipping through channels. My phone began to ring so i stood up to unplug it from its charger and answer the call. The call was from Mama. My mood instantly changed. I answered the call and unceremoniously flopped back on the couch. After exchanging pleasantries, Mama told me a very exciting news. It made me so happy. I couldn't wait for Grumpy to come home. I have to share this with him. After the call with Mama, i dialled Adda Asma's number three times but there was no answer. I dialled her husband's number but it wasn't answered as well. I quit calling them and sent them messages instead. When i dialed Grumpy's line, he picked on the second ring.

And to what do i owe this phone call wifey?

He chirped in a playful tone. I broke the news to him and i could swear he sounds even happier than i am.

Let me first call Mama and congratulate her.

Few minutes later, he called back to inform me that he spoke with Mama but was unable to reach both Adda Asma' and husband.

He had just hung up when Hajiya called to share in the joy. She had also called Mama she told me. After Hajiya's call, came in Aisha's then Ya Abdulazeez's followed by his wife and the other boys. Apparently, Grumpy had not only told Hajiya but all his siblings. My heart swelled. My husband. A  man i'm so lucky to have.

When he came home later that evening, he brought along five shopping bags containing different baby items.

I would not be able to go with you tomorrow so you'd be travelling with Hajiya and Aisha instead. Your flights have been booked already. I will inSha Allah try and come pick you up myself.

I was elated. I hugged him so tight till his breathes started becoming uneven. I wouldn't want to choke him. So i let go and apologized. I thanked him for the gifts and most importantly for permitting me to go the following day.

When we landed in Gombe, a driver picked us up and drove us to our house. Adda Asma and the baby were still at the hospital so Hajiya dropped me off and went home to rest before the hospital visiting hours.

At home, i was so happy. I met my half siblings who are my cousins as well. I became so eager to see the baby and so overwhelmed too. I'm in the midst of my family. I'm home. Even Mama babba ( Adda Hamidah's mum, my step mom) is happy to see me or i think she is.

I totally forgot to switch on my phone which has been off since we took the connecting flight from Abuja to Gombe. When visiting hours approached, i took my bath and wore fresh set of clothes. Ready to meet the newest addition to the family. My niece.

When we arrived the Obstetrics ward, i ran to hug Mama whom i missed so much. I went around and gave Adda Asma a bone crushing one. I only released her when she complained that she was still weak and i was hugging the air out of her. We all laughed. I walked to the other side of the bed and greeted Adda Asma's mother in-law and very carefully took the baby in my arms. She is so cute Masha Allah. I gasped when the baby stirred in my arms. I kept my gaze fixed on her. I had her in my hold for a while before Adda Asma's husband, came in with his friends whom all wanted to hold her. An hour later, Hajiya and Aisha walked into the ward. They brought with them drinks and fruits. Happiness became evident on their faces when they saw the baby. As Aisha held the baby in her arms, she awed. We smiled. Then she turned towards me.

Adda Rukky you should give birth to a baby too. Soon please.

Everyone in the room agreed with her. That made me shy. But thinking of it, i'd also like to have one of my own. Not so soon i know, but someday, i'd definitely love to have children. Little Ya Ahmads running around the house.

When the bell that marks the end of visiting hours sounded, i didn't want to go home, not yet. I pleaded with Mama to allow me stay but she insisted i go, so i left. Outside, as i walked Hajiya and Aisha to their car, Hajiya asked if i've spoken to Ya Ahmad since our arrival. I felt ashamed. I told her i would do that once i got home. I bade them goodbye and they left.


Even though Hajiya told me they've reached safe and sound, i still wanted to hear it from her. It's been over five hours now and her phone has been off. At first i got worried then i became restless and now i'm plain pissed at her. A bit hurt too. But i still want to see her call. Hear her voice. Whenever my phone lights up with an incoming call, i eagerly check hoping to see her name flashing on my screen. But then all the those times, it's not her. I even told Hajiya to call me when they meet. But it's already past maghrib and neither Hajiya nor Ruqayyah have called. In my frustration, i switched off my phone and headed to the masjid earlier than usual for the Isha prayer. I stayed long afterwards reciting the Qur'an to take my mind off thoughts. I left the masjid after praying witr with the intend to sleep immediately i get home.

I spent hours tossing on my bed. I just couldn't sleep. When i checked the time, it was past midnight. I started my laptop and sent an email to a travel agency to book me the next available flight to Gombe. Even after doing that, it became even harder to blink. I kept thinking of her. What is she doing at the moment? Could she sleeping? Maybe catching up with her siblings? Praying maybe or reciting? Why didn't she contact me? Perhaps she intentionally switched off the phone to get some space. Does she really dislike me this much? And i foolishly thought i was gradually warming my way into her heart. Oh Ruqayyah! Does it mean you do not care for me? Maybe she was just excercising her rights being the well mannered religious wife she is? Showing the other loving side to me for the reward of it. OMG! it suddenly clicked. What if she isn't feeling fine or she got too tired after the journey that she just slept off. Perhaps her cell ran out of charge and she had forgotten her charger back here. That could be the explanation. I'm getting her a new phone inSha Allah. Incase she forgets her charger and doesn't get another person that uses an iPhone where she goes. I walked out of my room and into hers. I switched on the lightbulb and walked towards her bedside drawer where she usually have her charger plugged. Ta da! Its here. Poor wifey. She must have forgotten to pack it. An additional phone it is then. And the guilt of blaming her all day settled in.

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