Chapter Four

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"They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world:someone to love, something to do and something to hope for"

Hajiya Hindu

Ever since i came home from work, i've been restless. I do not know how to break the news to Hajiya Bilkisu that i would not be giving my daughter's hand in marriage to her son. I have also thought of the possibility of telling Alhaji what i heard about Ahmad at school from a fellow colleague. But he would not agree to nullify the agreement on basis of rumors as i am sure he will call the news. I paced up and down as i recall the conversation with Malama Atika at the staff room earlier today, when i took the goro (kolanuts and sweets shared among family and well wishers to mark the engagement of couples) to share among my colleagues.

Hajiya Hindatu i am so happy for you. Who is the lucky man that stole our daughter's heart?

She asked full of interest.

Malama Atika it is the son of the late Alhaji Abdulhamid Sani. The eminent businessman and philantropist who hailed from Dukku here in Gombe and lived at GSADP quaters before he later moved to Katsina. Do you remember him?

She remained quiet for a few more seconds before replying me

Yes i remember! Hajiya Bilkisu's husband right?

I nodded my head in agreement. She opened her eyes wide and gasped before blinking and subsequently a salutation to Allah before she spoke

Hajiya i hope it's not her first son we are talking about here, is it?

Yes i uttered, followed by a nod of my head.
She drew her chair closer in what i take is an effort to show the importance of what she is about to say. Then she inched her head even closer and started with a clap of her hands.

Hmm Hajiya Hindu i hate to be the one to break this news to you but i have to. For the benefit of my daughter Hamidah if not for anything. Rumors has it that Hajiya Bilkisu's first son is sterile. That is what led to his divorce i tell in the first place. And this news i heard from reliable source i tell you. It is better you stop this marriage unless you do not wish to see your grandchildren.

That news was a shocker. I know how Malama Atika keeps up on all the news and gossips which mostly turn out to be true. I have to do something about this situation. I want my Hamidah to feel the joy of motherhood one day. I cannot deprive her of that. I have no choice but to tell Alhaji what i heard. I would allow her to let her boyfriend proceed with the pre marriage rites i concluded. Mid thought, i heard Ruqayyah's voice asking for permission to go out. Turning to face her, an idea hit me. I smiled and permitted her to go.

I did not think Alhaji will take my news so well. I am so thankful that he did though. He was happy and even concluded he would marry off the three girls on the same day since they all have willing respectable suitors. He was happy he would marry off his two nieces as well as his daughter. According to him, it will be a great relief fulfilling the promise of taking care of Asma' and Ruqayyah till he gives them out to responsible men as husbands. A promise he made to his brother while on his dying bed. A promise he made to his late brother's wife whom is now his second wife. Deep inside, i was happy because my daughter will get married to the man of her choice. I laughed heartily when i recalled my plot. It's working  out well.

Hindatu so it was Ruqayyah all along whose hand they came to ask for, Alhamdulillah. It is very good of you that you confirmed lest we would have married the wrong girl to him.
(Laughs) he also is a funny boy. You see a girl whom you intend to marry, then due to lack of proper knowledge of her, mistakes her name with that of her sister. If you had not thought of showing them a picture of the girls, what could have been the outcome. We thank Allah for preventing us from making such a drastic mistake.

I laughed again shaking off guilt and knowing i have finally avenged Hafsah's marriage to my husband. Also for taking all the credit for being the more patient and obedient wife. The better wife they say. We shall see how far her patience and endurance can go. She deserves to feel the pain she has made me go through.

Hajiya Hafsah

Immediately i came back to my room after Alhaji told me the news of Ruqayyah's suitors, i called all three children of mine to discuss the issue with them. When i relented the news, none of them was in support of it. Ibrahim even claimed he heard Umar (his cousin who is also his step brother) saying that the proposal to the said Ahmad guy was initially to his sister Hamidah. That Umar was also inquisitive as to why it was suddenly swapped. Asma' was against arranged marriages, claiming such marriages lacked love. Ruqayyah on the other hand kept mute. I encouraged all of them to pray about it. I also told Ruqayyah i have accepted the offer on her behalf 'cause their uncle seemed to be happy about it. It is only fair if we appease him as he does nothing short of that to us.

Ruqayyah, if something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way. But if it is yours by destiny, from it you cannot flee. You see, whatever happens to you in life has been long written since creation and the scripts have dried off. Everything is destiny and only prayer can change what has been destined. So pray and know that whatever happens to you is the best for you. May Allah bless you, all of you. Remain obedient. It pays.

My daughters cried while Ibrahim and i comforted them. I am still not convinced about how true the intentions behind choosing Ruqayyah is. Hajiya being herself would not let go of a good offer such as this one. But i have to trust in Allah and pray for the evil involved in it to be replaced with good. I have been worried sick about Ruqayyah ever since a date was fixed for Asma's' wedding. I was worried 'cause after Asma' leaves, Ruqayyah who is a quieter version that cannot stand up for herself will ultimately become the only punching bag in the house. This may be the way out of it as i have tirelessly prayed for. I hope so. I will just continue to pray and encourage the children to do so in good faith.


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