Chapter Eight

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"We all know how to love but only few know how to stay in love"

Today just like every other afternoon, i'm seated with my back rested against the headboard of my bed playing farm heroes on my phone when i hear him come into the house. I know he'll just go to the kitchen and eat the food sent by his mum then retire to his room before maghrib time. After that, he'll go to the masjid and not return until around 9pm. Thereafter, on his return he'll go back into his room till the next morning when he is all set to go to work.  Well that has been his routine for the past two weeks i've been living with him. He barely acknowledges my presence talk less of saying a word to me. I went back to hatching those eggs with only 5 moves left which i know are not enough to complete this level of the farm heroes. I was suddenly interrupted by a gentle knock on my door which was followed by a salam and opening of the door. I returned my gaze from the door back to my phone as i answered the salam and greeted him. The nerve of this guy. He did not even answer my greeting which i am sure he heard. He just told me to get ready after maghrib prayer because there is a place the both of us have to go. Then he warned against wasting his time.

We drove through the double gates of a mansion and i sighed with relief when we alighted the car. Finally an end to the long agonizing quiet drive. I trailed behind him as he walked briskly along the foot path through heavy set doors and into a corridor lined with family portraits that led into a grand living room. And there i thought our house is grandiose but his family's house beats that ten fold. These people are really well off. I was taking in the room's decor in awe when Hajiya said salam and entered looking as elegant as always.

My daughter welcome! He left you here and instead of finding your way around, you just sat. Treat yourself as a guest no more, this is home. Come Ruqayyah, let's go in.

She guided me further into the house to a much smaller but equally beautiful living room. After sitting for a few minutes, Hajiya came back in followed by a much younger version of herself holding a tray of drinks and snacks. Hajiya introduced her as Aisha. Ahmad's younger sister who was away at school writing her O level finals during the wedding. She just came back home the day before. I learnt that she is Hajiya's only daughter and last born. Aisha greeted me and sat next to me on the sofa. When Hajiya settled down, i rose from the sofa and squatted on the rug before i greeted her. Squatting to greet a person signifies respect in most parts of the country. She smiled so wide as she answered and told me to sit back on the sofa and not to squat again to greet her in the future. We chatted with Hajiya and Aisha for a while before the adhan for Isha was called. Aisha led me to her room where we prayed. After prayer, Aisha stood up and folded her mat then told me to sit on the bed while she folds mine. Instead, i asked her for a Qur'an. She took one off her mini wall book shelf and gave me. Then she sat next to me and watched me closely the entire time i read. I was feeling uncomfortable with her eyes on me so i closed the Qur'an after reading a few verses.

Back at the living room, supper was served and all the guys were there chatting away happily with Hajiya, their mother. Even Mr Grumpy was back. Yeah grumpy will do. A new name for Ahmad. I made a mental happy dance for naming him that. He deserves it. Aisha and i joined them and she served us our meal. Abba and Amin kept teasing me as everyone laughed. Well everyone except for you know who, Grumpy. Wait! I think i see the corners of his mouth slightly tilt upwards. Was that a smile? He just smiled at what Abba said. So he smiles afterall. Oh i love this family. They remind me of ours before Baba passed away and our lives took a turn. The thought of Baba made my eyes misty. A hand on my knees instantaneously brought me back to the moment.

Adda Ruky you'll tutor me islamic books and help me further my Qur'an lessons. Teach me to completely mememorise the Qur'an too, right?

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