Chapter Seventeen

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"The strongest hearts have the most scars"


I've been busy streaming youtube for a new dessert recipe for an hour. Ya Ahmad is having friends over so for dinner i was so clueless as to what to cook. It's his bestfriend and his family. The bestfriend is a doctor who works in Cuba and is only in Nigeria visiting. We'll be hosting them for two days since they are from Gombe and are only on their way to KT to visit us. So naturally i want to impress them. I had been streaming youtube for days trying to come up with a menu befitting of them. Ya Ahmad hasn't been much of a help. My phone beeped signalling a new message so i paused the video and grabbed the phone. I instantly smiled seeing who the message is from.

G: Hey beautiful. I miss you!

I stared at the message for quite a while just smiling like a goon.

Me: Sounds so weird coming from you.

And in a few seconds after hitting the send button, the beep for a new message resounded again.

G: Does one get a jail term for missing his wife? Get used to it babe.

I am certain he is smirking right now.Then another beep came in.

G: Even if you don't say it, i know you miss me too😌


G: So let me guess...Watching a movie?

Me: Not exactly! Thinking of what to cook for when your friend arrives later.

G: So you really was not thinking of me😢

G: I told you you can prepare just anything. I suggest noodles since they have kids.

Me: Nope! Definitely not noodles. Thinking of something mouth watering. With your permission, can i go shopping for a couple of things i'd need?

G: How exactly do you plan on going shopping?
Thinking of a cab? Don't even! And you don't have my permission to go out alone. I'm coming to get you.

Me: No no no! You've been gone for less than three hours and you are already thinking of coming back? You've been doing that alot lately too. Not with my permission. I can wait.

G: I dislike to keep my woman waiting. Will tell Hajiya to send her driver and also Aisha so that she can help out. Let me know when you're all set. 

G: BTW, i give the permissions not you😝

What is he doing to me? I remained there just going over the messages. Everything forgotten until i heard a car driving into the compound. It must be Aisha and the driver i thought. But then in the only voice that is capable of causing a wild flutter of butterflies in my tommy, i heard a Salam. When i turned around, he was leaning casually by the door with his arms crossed over his chest. And when he beamed at me, i could swear my heart skipped a beat. I frowned my face a little and asked him why he is back when clearly he said he would tell Hajiya to send Aisha with the driver.

I changed my mind. I do not want one of those shameless men ogling at my wife thinking she is unclaimed. It's better i mark my territory don't you think?

He asked with a mischievious glint. That smile which has the power of stopping my heart. Ya Ahmad what are you doing to me? Again i asked myself. He told me to get ready and then left the room.


What is Ruqayyah doing to me i thought. I had initially thought of sending one of the office drivers then thought against it. I thought of calling Hajiya and telling her to send a driver along with Aisha which is totally safe. Then i thought of all the men that do not heed to lowering their gazes but most of them will either be at their work places or homes at this hour. But then it's my wife we are talking about and i can't take chances.

Ever since i drove out of the gates, i've felt this sense of emptiness, this vacuum. And only now that i've seen her has the feeling disappeared. The vacuum filled and that feeling of emptiness gone. If only she knows what she does to me. I think i am falling in love again. For the second time and this time even harder than the first. I made a little prayer asking Allah to shield me from any disappointment this time. I could hear her light footsteps coming from the hallway so i kept my eyes fixated on the door.  When she came through it, my eyes grew bigger and i took a deep breath then rose and approached her. I stood few steps away from her just drinking her in. I fetched my phone from my breast pocket and took a photo of her. She stopped writing her list and met my gaze then smiled so wide that i had to take another one of her. This one even more beautiful 'cause she has that smile plastered on her face and a glint in her eyes.

I think we have a new photographer in town. Just not a professional.

She said playfully. During the drive back, i suggested getting a help with all the chores but she wasn't supportive of it. She insisted she could handle it like she's been doing for over a year now. Since we are having guests over and with the number of shopping bags we got, she needs an extra hand for today till the weekend is over when the guests leave. So we branched by Hajiya's place to take Aisha with us.


It's a friday and it's still working hours. So when i heard the Salam of Ahmad, i thought i was mistaking his voice with Amin's 'cause it's so unusual of him to be anywhere other than the office during work hours. But when i saw Ruqayyah coming in looking all glamorous, i knew i wasn't mistaking voices. He walked in behind her with a huge smile plastered on his face.

Reading the papers at this hour? (laughs) You really are bored. Good morning. My ever dashing Momma. Allah ya ja kwana.

He beamed before placing kissing me on the cheek. I answered his greeting and said 'Ameen' to his prayer. Then turned in the direction of Ruqayyah who was sitting on the rug. She also greeted me but with a shy smile. I answered. Then asked if he has brought her to spend the day with me, which i'll be very glad for. But she replied a curt 'no'.

Actually Hajiya, we came for Aisha. Sa'ad came in with his family from Cuba last week. They are presently in Kano visiting his step mom. They'll be coming over later to spend the weekend with us.

Oh Sa'adu likita ko. So he is around. In the country. The last time i saw him was...umm...i think four years ago when he flew in for your father's condolence.

My heart felt heavy just thinking about my late husband. Such a wonderful man he was. I sighed and said a prayer for him. Ahmad knew what i was thinking about from the look on his face so i quickly dismissed the thought. I told Ruqayyah to go tell Aisha that they are waiting for her. When she left, i turned to Ahmad and smiled at him.

I vividly recall telling someone in that room (points in the direction of her room) that he will thank me one day. That my choice for him would bring him only happiness. So, i am waiting.

He laughed. Laughed so hard with so much intensity i have not heard in a very long time. Then he enveloped me in a hug all the while thanking me. Alhamdulillah i have my son back. I am very happy that my prayers have been answered.

Ahmad it is Allah who you should thank and not me.

Then he beamed and facing the qiblah, did the sujud ash shukur. May Allah bless my whole family i silently prayed. He rose just in time as Ruqayyah walked into the living room alongside Aisha. They all said their goodbyes and took their leave. Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! Alhamdulillah! I kept on chanting. What else would i do other than thank Allahfor all his blessings.

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Thank you!


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