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Ni Bilkisu! What has come over you? Why come with such disturbing news. Where is that girl, Ruqayyah lacking. They entrusted her in our care Ahmad. She's been a very good wife as far as i know. I've asked you three times if there's anything you're not telling me but you've insisted you've told me everything. Without a genuine reason Ahmad i won't be a party to your taking another wife. I know it's Sunnah but what reason do you have for wanting that. I never brought up any of you to be selfish, what changed my selfless son ya Allah.

I remained mute for minutes pondering over what Ahmad has said. He grew up in a nucleated family. He loves his wife very much or so i thought. He has never complained of her neither has anyone. He doesn't even look thrilled about the idea. Maybe it's his sympathetic side wanting to show pity to some old friend or a deceased friend's wife. I have to get to the bottom of this. Scrolling through my contact list, i dialed her number twice but it went to voicemail both times. I glared at him when he called my name and told him off. I dialed Aisha's number instead and she answered on the second ring.

Hajiyaaaah she said. I asked her of Ruqayyah and she told me she's slept off. I sincerely hope my son isn't giving her a hard time about his taking a second wife insanity. She keeps dozing off anytime she comes over. Maybe she hardly sleeps at night due to disturbing thoughts. And before i could question him further, i heard her salam from the adjoining door. We answered in unison and she came in with a wide smile plastered on her face. She sat at my foot still smiling and said "Hajiyah you sought for my presence". Always the optimist. I couldn't help but wonder why Ahmad wants to take another wife when he has been blessed with a pure innocent soul as hers.

She shouldn't have woken you up. It can wait.

No Hajiya she didn't. I was awake even before you called.

Ruqayyah may Allah bless you. Now i want to ask you a very important question and i want you to answer in all sincerity. Assume that your husband isn't in this room. Do not feel compelled to please anyone. Tell me what you really want. Are you aware that your husband wants to take a new wife?

Yes Hajiya i am aware.

Very well then. Are you in support of that?

Yes Hajiya i'm in support since it's in line with the teachings of our religion. In fact Ya Ahmad agreed only cause i insisted.

I looked at her thoughtfully and she lowered her face. She doesn't exactly look thrilled about the idea either. I smell something fishy. What is really happening with the both of them. I'm determined to find out. I looked over at Ahmad whose head is lowered as well.

Okay so Ahmad what is it about that girl you've grown a liking for...i want to know her. Oh and which family is she from cause I'll have to inform your uncles who will want to carry out a background check on her.

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