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Sakinah is unbelievable. She was accusing my wife and i stood speechless.


Your hair!...its become shorter. The last time we unplaited, it was way longer than this.

I joked as i unbraided the last braid for her.
She ran her hands through the hair pulling at a handful to feel its length. When i erupted in a fit of laughter, she turned around and hit my arm.

Ouch! I see you're determined to break my humerus.

Yeah that's the plan. But on a serious note, Habibi my hair feels tougher.

I ran a comb through her hair repeating the process a couple of times till her hair fell back to her neck.

It's as soft as cotton. And even longer than the previous time it was unplaited.

I ran my digits through her hair again. Before i could compliment some more, my phone which was on the table, began to ring. She scooted near the table to retrieve it for me.

Habibi it's Doctor Sa'ad.

She slid the answer button and gave the phone to me.

Doctor! What's up?

Engineer i have a name you know. It's Sa'ad!

I laughed.

Ahh Sa' how's work?

Dan Iska! And it's Sa'ad not...why bother?. It's not like you'll ever stop being a teaser. Yeah so the test results came out.

And he got all my attention.

So? What does it say?

Call me when the wife is out of earshot.

Is there a problem man?

Talk later.

I knew something is amiss the moment he hung up. The thought itself shook me to the very core.

Wifey! this dude wants me to run an errand for him real quick. Excuse me if you may Habibty.

Heart Broken (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now