Chapter Twenty-Two

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"The best love is one that makes you a better person without changing you into someone other than yourself"

Hello...yes i'll be on my way shortly.

I spoke over the phone as i zip my trolley bag. The team will be travelling to Rivers State for two days to go over a contract. It is some few minutes to seven and Ruqayyah is still asleep. I took my trolley to the car and came back to say goodbye before i leave. When i pushed the door, she wasn't on her bed and i could hear the sound of a running of from the bathroom so i waited. A while after, she came out looking pale and disheveled.

Innalillahi Ruqayyah what is wrong with you?

I panicked and quickly approached her then helped her to her bed. Her temperature was very high and she was shivering like a dry leaf in autumn. Her lips were trembling and she desperately tried to keep her lids open but failed. I drew the duvet over her and rummaged through her drawers for a cap. As i was tucking her hair in her cap, my phone rang again.

Yes...I'm sorry you guys should go on without me. My wife is sick...Yeah! Ameen...Thank you. Have a safe journey.

My heart ached at the sight of her. I took my phone and just as i was about to dial the family doctor's number, she retched and pushed the duvet off of her then ran towards the bathroom. I followed her just as quickly and found her bent over the tub throwing up. Supporting her with one hand, i used the other to rub circles on her back as i continously told her sorry. She looked exhausted by the time she lifted her head. She made an effort to stand and almost fell if not for my sturdy hands that were supporting her. After she rinsed her mouth, i helped her back into the room and onto her bed. I opened the wadrobe and found a light silk dress and a hijab.

Few minutes later, she was dressed and seated on the passenger's seat as i speed towards the hospital. I kept glancing at her every now and then until we reached the entrance of the ER.

At the hospital, i alighted and helped her out of the car. Pushing a wheel chair, a nurse rushed towards us as she offered to help but Ruqayyah refused sitting on it. On admission, a doctor came and examined her. Blood was drawn from a vein in her hand using a syringe and taken to the lab to run some tests on. Some drugs and injections were also prescribed. It took me less than five minutes to locate the hospital's pharmacy and get all the prescribed drugs. A canula was put on her hand and an IV line connected. Lying like that on the cold hospital bed looking pale and sickly with her eyes closed and the IV lines connected, i felt a pang in my chest. I whispered a silent prayer for her to get well soon.

I figured out she'll be hungry when she wakes so i stepped out for a couple of minutes to get her food and some fruits. When i came back, i found Amin and Hajiya by her bed and she, still asleep. I remember being so worried so i called Hajiya to inform her that Ruqayyah has been admitted. When she saw me, she approached me with a concerned look on her face. She asked how Ruqayyah is responding to treatment to which i gave a positive reply. When i narrated to Hajiya how her illness presented, she instantly brightened up.

Alhamdulillah. Truly as long as there is life there is hope. I'm so grateful Ya Allah. My dear Ruqayyah will probably keep having morning sickness until her second trimester of the pregnancy.

I think my brain froze for a few seconds before regaining its fuction. That was a shocker.

Hajiya! Ruqayyah pregnant? No it can't be. She is not with child. IMPOSSIBLE!!! (laughs dryly).

Hajiya looked at me wide eyed as i blabbered. She extended her hand and placed it on my shoulder.

Oh Ahmad its possible. Infact its happened. At last the time to hold your child in your arms is near.

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