Chapter Twenty

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"Let our scars fall in love"

I arrived Gombe around noon. When i went home, Hajiya was rather surprised to see me. I had initially told her i wouldn't be able to make it due to my tight week's schedule. But here i am.

Immediately i freshened up, i took the car keys and drove to a shop where i bought a few things. Afterwards, i went into a phone store and got her an iPhone charger and the latest Samsung. At their gate, the gateman did not know who i was so i wasn't allowed in their premises. And i just wasn't in the mood to explain. There and then, an idea struck me. I told him i was seeking audience with Ruqayyah and he was like "kai Adda Ruqayyah is a married woman". I ended up convincing him to call her out for me. He went in and came back shortly  after. He told me she would not be able to attend to me. I Insisted he goes back in and tell her its important. A matter of life or death. Still, he came back futile. I almost knelt and begged him before he agreed to go back one more time and tell her it's a certain Ahmad Abdulhamid Sani.

In just few minutes after he went in, she came out wrapping a veil around her head and almost tripping as she rushed towards me. When she was approached and was certain it was i, she slowed her pace and a huge grin graced her face.

Why are you standing here when you're suppose to be busy with files and designs at your office?

She questioned, standing an arm reach away.

So this is the welcome a husband gets when he visits his wife at her parents' i suppose.

I supplied. She smiled and covered her face with her hands. When she uncovered her face on my request, she lowered her gaze.

Ya Ahmad good afternoon! How was your trip?

Alhamdulillah came my reply.

You know i'm not happy with you, yeah? Forgetting about my existence wasn't a wise thing to do.

I chided.

I am so sorry Ya Ahmad. It's just...its just that...

I cut her off with a wave of my hand.

Its okay. But leaving your charger back home is not enough of an excuse. You got me worried. Why didn't you use someone else's phone to contact me instead. Your behavior shows exactly how much you care. Thank you.

I spoke in a sarcastic tone and feigned anger even though i was so happy and relieved to see her. She kept apologizing and i could tell she meant it. It was a sincere apology. Then she ushered me into the house.

After greeting my in-laws and eating from a plate served by she, we walked me to the car hand in hand. I gave her a paper bag and drove away after bidding our goodbyes.


Grumpy thought i wasn't in possession of a charger and that was why i couldn't communicate. Truth be told, my phone wasn't out of charge and i also came with my spare charger. Even if i had forgotten mine, there are more apple phones here at home than any other brand. I felt guilty. Poor him. But i felt happy also. Atleast he cares alot more than he lets on. Travelling all the way from KT to bring me a charger and a new phone, that is romantic. Yey! i have got a brand new phone. May Allah reward my husband i prayed inwardly.

Later that evening, he sent a message saying he was outside, waiting for me. I joined him after a couple of minutes. After dabbing face powder and putting on lipstick ofcourse. I want to look beautiful for him. We went to Adda Asma's house together. When the baby was handed to him, he held her ever so carefully in his arms. He kept his gaze fixed on her for a long time before i heard him whispering a prayer for her. I went to sit near him and we both stared at the baby in awe. I silently prayed to Allah to bless us with a child too. He looked so good holding the baby. His undivided attention on her. I wonder what he is thinking about. A penny for his thought, i'd spare. Very careful not to interrupt the moment, i grabbed my phone and took a photo of him in that posture. Him cradling the baby, a priceless sight. The flash from my camera seem to have brought him out of his trance. He smiled and told me we should take our leave 'cause he wants to enjoy my company a little more before he leaves. His flight back is for the following morning.

The baby was named Maimuna after Adda Asma's mother in-law. I specifically requested for him to allow me stay back in Gombe for two weeks more and he agreed. But with each passing second, i miss his presence. If we are not  talking over the phone, we are messaging each other. Absence they say makes the heart grow fonder. I testify to that saying. I just can't wait to go back home. He wanted me to follow Hajiya and Aisha but i declined not 'cause i didn't want to go back but 'cause i had already informed my parents of how long i'd be staying for. He says he regrets leaving me stay for that long.

Three days before i left for KT, an aunt sent for a Kanuri woman to give me a spa treatment. The woman no doubt has perfected the art of body grooming. She scrubbed and waxed me just like when i was about to be wedded. She soaked scented barks and covered me in them. She used different powdery stuff and varieties of perfumes on me. She gave me a manicure and pedicure too. A day before i left, she finished her job and i must say it's a job well done. It was so refreshing and invigorating. I smelt like flowers and everything nice. My skin became so soft and silky to the touch.

Later that evening, the aunt called me to her house to advice me before i go back to my home. And she went like this;

Ruqayyah i know you love your husband and that he loves you too. I've also witnessed first hand how both of you looked at Asma's child with yearning in both your eyes. The only thing i'm yet to decipher is why you both are not making any effort in making yours.

I stared at my father's sister wide eyed and she gave me a 'Yeah, i know' look.

Yes Ruqayyah, i know most of us have noticed something odd about you two even though they wouldn't voice it. But i am your aunt and i do not want you to invoke Allah's wrath upon yourself. He is no log nor was he made out of stone. You know. Why the hesitance? Please allow him what he deserves Ruqayyah. May Allah bless you and your marriage as well.

Oh, the shame i felt.

That night as i was packing, i thought about alot of things. One being the possibility of having a child. Then i prayed for khair in my marital home. And i felt those stubborn wild butterflies just at the thought of seeing my husband the following day. I missed him so.

Thank you for reading my imaginations. Don't be stingy with that star.

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