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Beautiful you slept all through the flight and now you want to sleep again. C'mon you can't be jet lagged after only a few hours of flight.

But she still wouldn't budge. Instead she finished arranging the pillows and flopped on the bed. She's developed a thing for sleep and laziness these days. I looked at her again, shook my head and went out of the room. I'll explore the place alone. The air in Zanzibar is refreshing and The Palms is a lovely hotel. But my wife is stuck in our hotel room and it just didn't feel right wondering on my own so i went back. She was soundly sleeping when i walked into the room so i just changed into something comfy and joined her.

In the morning after breakfast, we walked the stone town of Zanzibar and afterwards visited a turtles conservation pond. It was beautiful. Adda Roukie was so excited about all the turtles she kept taking photos. Later on, we dined at a beautiful restaurant and walked on the beach at night.

In five days, we had visited a lot of places including  the Beit al-sahel, the forodhani park, the Persian baths and the cheetah's rock. We even visited a spice farm. We rode on a ferry and i tried surfing which was a very bad idea 'cause i fell hard, the impact with the water, terrible. We visited the local markets and bought quite a number of souvenirs. Fine dinning at exquisite restaurants and cheap eats too. We tried Indian, Arabian and Kiswahili local dishes too. I've noticed Adda Roukie's palettes have developed a thing for coconut. She orders just anything that has coconut in it. Coconut milk, anything with coconut shavings, pinacolada, coconut flavored ice cream with coconut flakes topping, coconut cake, coconut rice, name it. The other day we went into a perfume store and she took all the colognes and mists that smelt like coconut. She kept sniffing them till we got back to the hotel and i had to hide them. Weird! She asked for coconut shavings in her biryani the other day. Just yesterday, she asked if coconut could be added to her pizza. I was stunned. Coconut pizza toppings really. All this coconut obsession is exhausting. What happened to chocolate or strawberries for the love of God. Extra cheese and chicken shreds or pepperoni on our pizza, whew! It's only been five days but i hate ice cream cause beautiful will make us both order coconut flavored ice cream or feed me hers even when i do not order it.

We will be leaving the Tanzanian Island in two days so today we went gift shopping and hit the spa afterwards. My wife hasn't exactly been in the best of moods all day. I tried cheering her up many times but she just wouldn't budge so i gave up. We planned on trying seafood today. I had already gotten dressed and was waiting for her to finish up.

Babe should we go for lobsters or clams? Oh i heard they serve delicious shark soup or something like that. Shall we try that too?

She remained silent. She's probably not interested. I kept quiet and waited for quite sometime but she still wasn't out. I stood up to go check on her. I knocked on the door and called her name. She answered in a rather strained tone. I got scared and pushed the door rushing into the bathroom. She was bent over the tub gripping it for support.

Innalillahi  Ruqayyah what is wrong with you?

I held helped her up and she gave me a weak smile.

Ya Ahmad it's nothing. I was just feeling light headed and a bit nauseous.

She was looking really pale, it scared me. I helped her into the room and onto the bed then dialed reception for a cab to the nearest hospital. I turned to her direction after the call and saw her walking towards the bathroom keeping to the wall probably for support since she was feeling lightheaded. I quickly strode towards her and held her tight. She tried pushing me away but was unsuccessful cause she was weak. Before i could comprehend what was happening, she puked all over me. My shirt, my shoes, my arms. And tears began rolling down her cheeks. My heart was breaking at her sight. I was so worried. Helping her into the bathroom, i ran her a warm bath and removed my shirt. I helped her clean up and dress up in a comfy gown before helping her to lie down while i clean up myself.


I was in the bathroom dabbing lipstick and the next thing i knew i was dizzy. I've not been feeling too well for the past few weeks. Earlier today i knew i was sick but my husband was so excited about every single thing we do together and i didn't want to be a killjoy so i didn't tell him. He must have noticed the change though cause of how he kept looking at me. Weird glances. Now i just can't believe i threw up all over him. What kinda wife does that. I'm pretty sure he's disgusted. How can i be so helpless. The tears just kept rolling. Next thing he was by my side and helping me up. He smelt fresh. Just out of the shower am sure.

Shush beautiful! Where does it pain? Does it hurt so bad to make you cry this much? I am so sorry. You'll be back on your feet in no time. InSha Allah. The cab has been waiting. Here, let's go see a doctor. I'll tell him not to prick you, yes.

He helped me fix my veil and led me to the cab. During the very short drive to the hospital, he kept squeezing my head on his shoulders and continuously said sorry, rubbing circles on my back and reassuring me that i'll be fine.

At the hospital, the doctor examined me and asked a series of questions as he scribbled down some things on a paper. He handed a pink prescription paper to ya Ahmad before speaking.

My very first Nigerian patient (smiles). It's not advisable for her at such a tender stage of pregnancy to travel far and engage in such tedious tourism stuff. I recommend you rest and get a lot of it.

I wasn't sure what the man in the white clinical coat and thick kiswahili accent was saying. Ya Ahmad surprised me with a bone crushing hug. He kept chanting Alhamdulillah countless times before whispering a thank you Adda Roukie to me. It really is true. I am pregnant, again. I thanked Allah and looked into his eyes. I could swear i've never seen him this happy. He kept giving me these weird mushy looks and lopsided grins. The doctor congratulated us once more before we left his office. Back at the hotel room, he wouldn't let me rest. He kept saying funny things.

But beautiful it still baffles me. How can you be almost two months along and not notice it. Women are suppose to know when they are  pregnant right? I mean don't you feel those changes in you or maybe the baby kicking?

God ya Ahmad're embarrassing me.

Wait! My baby isn't kicking? Are you sure it's healthy? Maybe we should go back to the doctor.

Ya Ahmad babies don't develop to the point of kicking in the first trimester, duh.

Yeah right...Okay so i'd prefer a girl that looks exactly like you but has my nose you know.

I am so tired. I shook my head and let him ramble on.

Adda Roukie do you prefer a boy? Which ever gender we are blessed with, i'll love nonetheless. Ohhh wait we'd love twins right... Should we start baby shopping tomorrow?... Oh i almost forgot. You're on bed rest. Even though it's late, i think i should just dial Hajiya. This news is worth waking her up.

No ...Ya Ahmad don't.

Someone's gonna be a daddy soon...oh oh yeah...ah ah...daddy...

Are you ever gonna let me sleep? Go sing elsewhere and away from earshot...arrrgh.

Oh sorry babe...sleep tight.

He placed his hand over my tummy but i was so tired to complain so i drifted off to la la land.

Thought i should brighten up your mornings just a bit. And thank you for reading. Have a lovely day. Love you.

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