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My wife? Oh okay let her in.

Roukie visiting me at work, that's a first. And i was just thinking about her. My eyes widened the size of saucers when i saw the person standing at the door. It's been two years since i saw her last. I felt bile rise to my throat. What is she doing in my office. I wondered.

She walked towards my desk in calculated steps with a mischievous smile playing on her lips. Three years ago, i would have drooled at the sight of her in her red outfit. I would've loved how her kohl lined eyes shone and my heart would have skipped a beat just looking at her red stained lips. But now, i feel disgusted. This woman is up to no good. A she-devil she is. I raised my brow at her as she took one of the chairs on the other side of my desk.

Mr Abdulhamid. Is this how you attend to your guests? I'm a bit disappointed.

What the hell are you doing here? In my office.

I spat failing to contain my anger.

She pulled a file out of her bag and slowly slid it towards me all the while keeping eye contact. I opened the file and scanned through the contents. My surprise couldn't have been any less obvious.

You're the accountant for Welco tech? I do not recall having an appointment with Welco tech today nor does my schedule says that.

No Mr Abdulhamid but your company's accountant does. I'm here to go over some accounts with him.

Then you've got the wrong office. Tell my secretary to direct you to the ACCOUNTANT's office.

I emphasized the word 'accountant' as i handed her the file. She smiled and stood a minute longer before heading to the door. Swaying as she walked. Subhanallah. Why was i noticing every detail about her. I scolded myself.

Oh and next time Sakinah, don't use my wife's name to gain access to my office.

I supplied infuriated before she slammed the door shut. And just like that, she has succeeded in ruining my day. I decided to get off work early.


He wants to play hard to get right? I still can see right through him. The walls he is so desperately trying to keep erected. I am so bringing down your defenses Ahmad. You have no choice than to take me back.

I've been in Katsina for two weeks now and i've bumped into him countless times. On purpose. But he never seem to acknowledge me. The deal with his company has been signed and sealed so i cannot just walk into their company at will. I've tried contacting him several times. Trying to get him to talk but to no avail. I wonder when he became so stubborn. I will have to report back to work in two days. With zero percent success at my main goal, i would have to  coerce my boss into allowing me finish up the Katsina deal. I sat down on the same spot thinking about which way to go about it best. I think i have the perfect plan. I muttered out loud. Taking out my phone, i dialed his number once more and it went straight to voicemail. I typed on my phone and sent him a short e-mail.

You underestimate me. Ahmad !

Sitting cross legged and sipping an iced drink from a glass, i heard the sound of the gate being opened. Quickly, i gulped down the remainder of my drink and hid the glass under the side stool. I rushed to my room and rumpled my hair making a mess of it. I took a can of hairspray and opened my eyes wide then sprayed it directly into my eyes. I yelped at the stinging pain. And immediately my eyes became moist and began to water. I hopped onto the bed when i heard his voice from the living room saying salam and calling out my name.

Sakinah! Sakinahtuuu! Sakinahtuwa!
Sakee my love!

He called out my name for the tenth time i suppose. If not more. Hearing the creak of the rickety bedroom door, i sniffed and made sobbing sounds. The old hag ran to me and the space next to me dipped as he sat down beside me on the bed. .In a very concerned tone, he asked me why i was crying and i only sobbed more. He moved closer to me and before i felt his hand, i felt his protruding pot belly. I felt even more pissed at myself for marrying him. The 56 years old fat pot bellied widower. With his hands around me, he made sloppy attempts to comfort me.

Sakinahtuwa please look at me and tell me what the problem is. I cannot bear to continue looking at you while you cry. Share your pain so i may cry with you.

I slowly lifted my face off my knees to face him. His reaction almost made me laugh. What a way to show concern.

Sakinahtuwa look how bloodshot your eyes have become. Tell me what is wrong. Please.

Sniffing, i lowered my eyes and talked trying to sound as convincing as i can and to look at pitiful as can be.

(Sniffs)...Baba Dauda it's my mother. She's very ill and can barely recognise people. (Sniffs) My siblings are all with her. Each one of them trying to see how they can help and attain the blessings of a mother while she's on her sick bed. These days, everyone thinks may be her last living days.

And i sobbed some more as i fell onto his laps.

Oh husband of mine, i seek permission that you may allow me go to my mother and join my siblings in the quest for gaining a mother's final blessings for as long as she breathes (sniffs). For it may be mother's (sniffs again) final days (sniffs some more).

Sakinahtuwa, do not cry my love. Mother will be alright. She'll heal soon.

I screamed and fell back on the bed throwing my arms every where as i sob.

Oh mother! Do rest in the highest rank of jannah. I'll stay here and be dutiful to my husband. Until we  reunite in jannah mother.

No no Sakinahtuwa you'll go see mother tomorrow. I have enough cash with me so you'll leave first thing tomorrow morning God willing. But i'm afraid i have to leave for Lagos tomorrow and Cotonou the day after. So i can't come with you. It's for a very important business deal else i would've forfeited and followed  you to Daura to see mother as well. I promise to join you soon after i am back. Cheer up the love of Dauda's life. You have my permission to go and take care of mother for as long as is required. May Allah grant her shifa. And if at all she leaves on a journey of no return, i pray she dwells in paradise.

After about an hour of silence. He left the room and came back with a paper bag containing fried chicken and a bottle of soda. He told me to eat and sleep while he went to his room to freshen up and start packing.

As soon as he left the room, i bolted the door and set to work on my chicken. I finished everything up in a few minutes. As i was munching on the bones, the door handled turned. Baba Dauda definitely. When he found it locked, he called out my name several times but i refused to answer him. He can't see me like this with when i'm suppose to be in grief. Thinking i had already slept, he left the door. Stupid man. Wishing death on my mother without even shame. You are the one who will die along with your entire family and not my mother. I wiped my hand with some tissue papers and sat down on the bed with my back resting against the head board. I kept sipping on my soda and scrolling through instagram pages of some Nigerian celebrities and wives of the elite society.

Okay. Like the chappy? Brace yourselves up for our ride is about to take a bumpy turn.

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