Chapter Eleven

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"Sometimes the people whom we've known only a short amount of time have bigger impact on us than those we've known forever"

Uncle Ahmad! Uncle Ahmaaaaad! lunch is served. Come and eat with us.

Zayyad screamed my name from the corridor. I answered him and went back to working on my laptop. Shortly afterwards, he came storming into my room. I looked up at him with a startled expression and he spoke.

Uncle Ahmad we are hungry. Back at Abuja, whenever daddy is around, we eat together. Come before the food gets cold.

Without letting me save my work, he dragged me by my hand to the dinning area where the girls were seated. I took the seat opposite Ruqayyah's and looked at her. Then i kept my eyes on her. She reached out to open one of the food flasks but Zayyad stopped her saying they are the ones that cooked and i didn't help out, so i am to serve the food. Khulthum instantly agreed. God! how is Abdulazeez raising these kids. I sighed and obliged. For the main course, she has prepared white rice, potato stew and beef balls. Then there's mint flavoured frosted cupcakes, bananas and zobo (hibiscus) drink. My nostrils were under attack. I hope it tastes as good as it smells. The kids immediately dug into their food after she reminded them to say Bismillah. She took her first bite but kept peeking at me under her thick lashes. I could tell she is nervous. I went back to my plate and took a morsel then slowly put it in my mouth. I almost closed my eyes to savour the taste. But her eyes were on me and i didn't want her to know that my taste buds have been wow-ed. Ruqayyah kept playing with her food. Was i making her uncomfortable? I was about to leave the table when she excused herself and left the table. I ate to my satisfaction. Something i've not done in years. After lunch, the kids and i cleared the table.


Habibi something has been bothering me lately, i   want to get it off my chest now.

I knew it. She's not been herself the past few weeks and whenever i ask, she says there's nothing and tries to act nonchalant and normal again which rarely lasts a day. I kept my eyes on her till i finished chewing my food before i dropped my spoon and asked her what the problem is. She remained silent for some minutes, fidgeting with her hands in her laps. Wifey though. Is it money? A huge amount maybe? The baby issue? does she wants us to visit another doctor? What could it be that is making her this uneasy. This silence i do not like, so i proded.

Ahmad! Ahmad i want a divorce!

I looked at Sakinah and laughed. I laughed so hard till my stomach hurt. After i regained composure, i looked at her eyes. I searched in them. I searched for something. Anything that would signify it's just some bad joke. But who was i fooling apart from myself. She was dead serious. Its unmistakable. Sakinah was serious about getting a divorce. After five years of peaceful matrimony. I asked her for reasons and she had only one. The fact that we are yet to have a child after many years. But we had visited doctors. Specialists both in the country and abroad. We have had series of tests. All the results were the same. None of us have a problem. That we will give birth in due time. I've consoled her about the issue and encouraged her to pray about it. Besides, i am not in a hurry and my family are not pressurizing her about the matter. For Allah's sake we are Muslims and we know what is meant by God's time for everything. And we are patiently waiting for that time. How else does she want me to explain things to her. I asked her to give it more thought and she left the table with a hiss.

Present day

I remember that day just like it was yesterday. It was the last day until today since i ate food to my satisfaction and with a clear head. I remember how i kept begging Sakinah to reconsider her request for about a year but she declined. I still remember all the months after that day that Sakinah totally changed and even disregarded my advances as her husband. That day marked the beginning of my sorrow. I was still thinking when i hear her soft melodious voice at my door. Her voice instantly dissolved my angst. How that is possible, is a mystery. I quickly sat up and answered her Salam. Then kept my eyes on the door but almost a minute passed without her coming in. Then came Khulthum's voice asking her what she was doing by the door.

Khulthum go in and tell Uncle Ahmad that his friend is here to see him okay.

Disappointed much! Would she have come in if Khulthum did not see her? What if the kids were not around. I left my phone in the living room so whoever it is might have called without me answering. The niece just killed my hope of Ruqayyah entering my room for the first time.


I ran my fingers through my hair again. I have been reading this particular page of Nora Robert's Land for over an hour now and i have failed to make sense of it. My phone rang and it was Yaya Ibrahim. I slide the recieve button and he gave me the best news i've heard in months before ending the call. I hurriedly went out of my room and walked towards the garden where he and the kids were playing jigsaw. He looked up at me and kept his eyes on me as i approached them. I said Salam and they all answered in unison. I removed my slippers and sat on the far end of the rug they were seated. He still had his eyes on me and i felt butterflies in the pit of my stomach.

Mmm...Ya's Ya Ibrahim.

He smiled and told me to relax and talk to him. Still a bit apprehensive, i spoke.

Ya Ibrahim said to ask you if it's fine for him and two of his friends to visit us after maghrib.

Well ofcourse it is fine, when did he come into town?

I lowered my head even more before replying him.

They attended a friend's wedding at Funtua today so they'll be spending the night in town before they travel back to Gombe early tomorrow morning. InSha Allah.

Okay we shall wait for their arrival.

I thanked him and with a huge grin went back into the house.

Chapter eleven down,Enjoyed?

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