Chapter Ten

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"Fall in love with a person's character,it will never fade"

It's been six months down the line and if i am asked to describe marriage in one word, i'd say lonesome. Grumpy barely speaks to me. The only improvement is that now, he replies to my greetings and whenever anybody sends their regards, he relents it. He still does not touch my food apart from the morning tea and evening coffee i brew for him. Yeah and these days he no longer stays out late. He often comes home straight from the office. But when he's home, he's always in his room except for days when he has friends over, which is not so frequent. Grumpy is crushed beyond mending. I pity the poor guy.

Even though its lonely here, i still like it. There are times when Abba, Amin or even both visit and times like that make my day. Aisha visits almost every weekend. I love it when she comes over. She is such an angel and even Grumpy's mood lightens a bit whenever she's around. We've also had few visitors mostly his friends and their families and he always tells them we'll return their visits but never have we. I've been to Hajiya's quite a number of times too. She treats me like her daughter. She always reminds me of Mama.

Then the phone calls with Mama and Adda Asma' everyday. Ocasionally with Ya Ibrahim, Baba or Aunty Yusra. Sometimes with Adda Hamidah, her mum, siblings or my friends. And i have Abba to thank for the endless supply of movies. Someone will think i am bothered for not getting my husband's attention or the treatment a wife deserves. But no i am thankful. For whichever situation you find yourself in, be thankful and prayerful. I believe that one day, Allah will make it better for me. For both us. And then it will be like we have never experienced anything contrary.

Ya Abdulazeez and family will be coming to Katsina today. I woke up very early and in a very good mood. I made a mess of the whole kitchen. Baking variety of cakes and cookies. I had flour all over me, the apron, my face, in my hair. I was so engossed in making the last batch of cookies until i heard a beep from the oven signifying that the red velvets are done. I quickly turned around to take out cakes from the oven but i froze in my tracks. He was leaning against the wall by the door in a well cut cream kaftan and a brown cap perched atop his head to match the embroidery on his clothes. His wrist watch and shoes too. OMG! Ya Ahmad is so handsome. I appreciate Allah's creation. His voice brought me out of my daze.

I have to leave for the office now so when you are ready, give either Abba or Amin a call to come take you to the main house. I'll pick you up on my way back from work.

Okay...goodluck Ya Ahmad, a dawo lafiya.

He actually looked at me and nodded, then said an "Ameen" and a "thank you". I couldn't believe he answered me. I said that to him as i always do with no expectation of a reply. Just something i got used to telling him whenever he is to head out. I grinned like a child who has been given a lollipop.


At work, i kept seeing her face all covered in flour as she smiled at me. I could not concentrate on my work. I saw her face on every document i pulled out. I thought about how she looked at me earlier today, with those beautiful eyes of hers. I thought about the melodious voice of hers i hear from my room every day when she is on the phone and laughing at whatever it is the person on the other end tells her. I thought about all the mornings and nights i hear her reciting the Glorious Qur'an so beautifully. I thought about all the times Aisha comes over and she teaches her about the words of Allah and advises her on worldly affairs like she is some renowned scholar. I thought about the times i hear her chat with Abba and Amin, and the way she keeps reminding them of sunnah of the Prophet too. I thought about all the times i wronged her and i hear her pray to Allah to ease my pain and forgive me for hurting her. I thought about all the times i take her to the family house and how she greets Hajiya and addresses her with utmost respect. Truly Ruqayyah is disciplined and of good character. I quickly shake my head and chastise myself. Ahmad why on earth are you thinking of her? Have you so easily forgotten about Sakinah and the capability of women? Get a grip! I hear a voice in my head scold.

After work i went to the main house to take Ruqayyah back home and also to see the niece and nephew. Little did i know that i was also taking them along with me. Not that i mind. Abdulazeez is to attend a 7 days World Architects conference at Mauritius and since the kids are on holidays, Yusra will be travelling along. They brought the kids to stay at Hajiya's in Katsina before they come back from their trip. Ruqayyah however volunteered to baby sit and 'cause she has insisted, Hajiya agreed. So now am parked outside of Ali Cooks waiting for Ruqayyah and the kids to get ice cream before we proceed home.

By the time we are parked inside the gates of our house, the kids were fast asleep. Ruqayyah carried Kulthum in her arms and went inside the house so i also carried Zayyad and went in. I debated entering her room but i finally did. Today is the first time since the second day she was brought into this house that i entered her room. It smells like roses, musk and something i couldn't quite place. Heavenly. I went further in to place Zayyad on the bed and looked at her for a split second before walking out.

At around 8 in the morning, i awoke to the sound of kids running around the house. I was still lying down when i heard Khulthum playing with the door knob and shouting my name. I was about to stand up to open it for her when i heard Ruqayyah's voice.

Khulthum shush. keep it down. Daddy...sorry Uncle Ahmad is sleeping. If you keep shouting you'll wake him up and he'll have a headache which will leave us with nobody to buy ice cream today. Do you want to make our Uncle Ahmad sick? Come and help me prepare breakfast little chef.

They giggled. I smiled inwardly at their conversation as i hear their retracting steps. Ruqayyah is really good with children.

Another chapter lovelies. Hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading.

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