Chapter Twenty-One

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"And suddenly ,everything i do is about you"


Today, i woke up earlier than i usually wake. I couldn't sleep any longer 'cause i've been anticipating my wife's return. I cleaned every nook and cranny in the house. I washed her bathroom and tried burning traditional incense but failed. How does she even light it, i wondered. I ended up emptying a half filled bottle of my favorite Rasasi round the house. I double checked everywhere to make sure it was spotless. When everything seemed in place, i smiled in satisfaction of my work. I quickly hit the shower and cleaned myself. Choosing what to wear proved to be more tasking than house chores. I rummaged through my wadrobe but couldn't quite decide on what to wear. What her favorite color is, i do not know. That information could have been a guide. What she prefers between native or english, i have no clue. I thought of wearing a shirt but wasn't sure if i should wear a Tee or a long sleeved one. If she prefers plain or patterned. How do i dress up for her to impress her when i don't even know her preferences. I groaned in frustration. Besides i only have two colors, black and white dominating the most part of my shirts stack for the past three to four years. My life was just as plain and gothic. I really wanted to look different today but since i've made no prior arrangements, i just settled for one my usual custom made kaftans. A blue one that had been embroided with navy blue. I wore a matching cap and slippers then wrapped a blue leather strapped DW wrist watch. For the finishing touch, i generously sprayed Tom Ford and Yves Saint Laurent perfumes. Checking my reflection in the mirror, i sincerely hope she likes it.

By the time i left the house, i was running late. I hope i make it to the airport on time because i do not like the idea of making her wait. I reached the airport just in time 'cause i heard the voice on the intercom announcing the arrival of a flight from Gombe.

I leaned casually by a pillar carefully scanning the throng of passengers that had just arrived. And my eyes landed on the most beautiful person in the room. She was dressed in a pink floral skirt and blouse. A headtie tied beautifully atop her head in what i've come to know as Maryam Babangida style from Aisha. She had a pink stoned white veil draped around her. She held a white handbag and walked in matching wedges. She searched for something or someone with her eyes. She beamed instantly when we made eye contact. I hastily aporoached her and pulled her into a hug. To my disappointment, she pushed me lightly with a hand to my chest. Keeping just a little distance between us. I gave her a questioning stare and she shrugged then mouthed;

Ya Ahmad public. No hugs please.

Ruqayyah though. I mean who cares. It's not like it's haram. She is my wife. There's absolutely nothing wrong with public displays of affection in my opinion. We walked side by side as i pulled her luggages to the car. During the drive home, she kept telling me about little baby Maimuna. It was so hard for me to concentrateon what she was saying. For one, she smelt heavenly and that kept assaulting my olfactory. Then there's the voice. I used to think she talks like that on purpose. Sounding seductive and all. The low teasing pitch. But then i realised she just naturally has a voice with the tendency to weaken a man's defenses. So calming and sweet. Sultry and appealing. It's like no other.

We stopped for take outs on the way before we came home. Reaching the gate, i got a call from the office. My expertise was needed. It couldn't wait. I was upset about the call but i had no choice. I dropped her off and drove off with the promise of returning early.


I've been away for sixteen days so i expected i had to do a lot of cleaning when i got back. But the house looked sparkly clean. I ran a finger across a coffee table to inspect for dust but it came off clean. The whole house was spotless. It smelled really nice too. It smelled like him. Perhaps i missed him so much that everything reminds me of him. I stepped in the hallway and took a long breath inhaling the scent. I missed here it here. I missed him.

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