Chapter Fourteen

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"You fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time"

I am so abashed right now. If only the ground can swallow me whole and bring me back up when Hajiya is done talking. The annoying part is that i asked him why we were taking the kids to the main house and he said its on Hajiya's request. Plus i am unaware that he called her this morning and just displaced his frustration on her. Grumpy is just unbelievable. And now, here we are seated in front of Hajiya as she scolds him. The most abashing part is that she keeps repeating "oh kai mai mata ko" and she went on to say he's not the only person who has a wife that he loves. Then she went on and on explaining how Khulthum is just a kid and can't even differentiate her right from her left.

OMG! Did he just roll his eyes at Hajiya? He did. When Hajiya said that 'Khulthum is still a baby' he did it again. The eye roll. And this time, i saw it clearly. He is so immature. Perhaps i am married to a three year old boy and not a thirty year old man. When Hajiya was finally done scolding her, he apologised to her ever so respectfully and that i admired. She smiled and that was my cue to apologize as well. But she dismissed it with a wave of her hand saying it was not my fault so i should not say sorry on his behalf. She asked about my injury and wished me a quick healing.


It's been three months since the kids left and i miss their presence. I even called Abdulazeez to ask when he'll be bringing them over but he said their school term had just begun. Its not like i miss them that much, well not literally. Its more like i miss my wife. Right now there's just a wall separating us but it feels like we are miles away. I had gotten used to seeing her smiles and hearing the echo of her laughter when the kids were around. I had even gotten used to eating with her that i no longer eat to my satisfaction in her absence on the table. I am always picking on my food these days. Whenever i got back from work, the kids usually run to welcome me home. She also says welcome with a radiant smile which i no longer see. We were often bumping into each other in the hallways but for some reason these days, we dont. At times, i used to find her in the living room watching movies. But ever since Abba was posted to Edo for his Youth Service and i installed a wi-fi, she no longer does that. She now watches with her mac on youtube or netflix.

I've got an idea, i smiled. I went and knocked on her door and said Salam. When she answered, i walked in and found her talking over the phone. I stood for about two minutes before she finally got off the phone and went on to typing something. I stared at her wide eyed.

Hello! I want to....

She cut me off with a wave of her hand and that took me by surprise. Seconds later, she kept her phone aside and looked up at me with questioning eyes.

Ruqayyah...i...i..i was...

I stuttered! I kept quiet and cleared my throat  before meeting her eyes and speaking again.

Ruqayyah i was wondering if you'd like to go out for dinner tonight. If you don't mind. After Isha. You do have to cook supper today.

She remained mute for a few seconds then smiled. I am sure she likes the idea too. I should take her out on dinner dates more often. Just as i was thinking of the perfect place to go to, she spoke.

Ya Ahmad thank you for letting me off kitchen duty today. I have been feeling a bit lazy too. Dinner! I do mind. Go and have fun. I would like to rest and probably watch a video on youtube.

My mouth dropped and i am not sure my eyes couldn't have opened any wider. She stood up ever so slowly from her bed and walked towards me. When she is just standing a footstep away from me, she looked into my eyes. Her gaze fixed on me, she used her finger to push my lower jaw, closing my mouth in the process.

Ya Ahmad! Flies! Do not leave your mouth hanging open again please. Oh! except you do not mind getting flies in that pretty mouth of yours.

What was that? I think she winked at me. She graciously went back to her bed and sat on it, resting her back against the headboard and taking her phone in her hand. I was speechless. I stood rooted to my spot for quite a while just staring at her as she began playing farm heroes on her phone. Suddenly she looked up with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

Oh Ya Ahmad you are still here? Its almost maghrib. You do not want to be late for salah or the dinner.

I quickly turned around and as i was about opening the door, i heard my name called in the most alluring tone i've ever heard. I turned to her and she fluttered her eyelashes.

Ya Ahmad...mmm...mmm...please get me something on your way back.

I forced a smile and replied. My voice a bit husky and strained. The state of my heart at the moment evident in it.

What would you like then?

Mmmm!...emmm....ummm....what do i even want?

Is she asking me really. She should say it already. My legs are already turning to jelly. This girl will be the death of me i swear. Then she smiled, a killer smile.

A pie please!

When i went out, the air was refreshing but i was frustrated. So mad. I gripped the steering wheel so hard, my hands felt numb. Nine months ago, she was so shy and innocent. So naive. What has changed her. At first, all she wanted was even a little bit of my attention. She was out to impress me. Maybe even a little bit scared of me then. Is it because i have loosened up? I thought i was being monstrous so i changed. She even had the guts to decline my invitation to dinner. But i am her husband and its only improper to say no to me. I get it, it may be 'cause i gave her a choice. So next time am not giving her the liberty to choose. It'll be an order. Yeah! I thought she was bored of thesame routine day in day out and staying indoors frequently. I thought the idea of a date would be refreshing. Romantic even. She's so local, behaving like a rural born. I let out a long hiss and parked on the roadside. Almost an hour past and i was still thinking and  pondering. I was full of annoyance. I kick started the car and drove to a bakery.

When i came back home, i went into the kitchen and warmed the pie in the microwave. I pulled it out at the beeping sound of the microwave then set it on a tray with a glass of freshly squeezed iced pineapple drink. I carried the tray and headed for my wife's room. At the door, i knocked and said a Salam before slowly opening the door. I found her curled up like a ball, sleeping as a movie on her mac still played. I quietly stepped into the room and kept the tray on the coffee table then went close to where she lay. She made a sound and stirred in her sleep when the mattress dipped 'cause of ny weight. I stared at her for like five minutes just appreciating her hypnotizing beauty. I smiled with content knowing that she is mine. A lucky man i am. Placing the mac on my laps, i stopped the movie and shut it down. Then said a du'a and bedtime supplications for her as i rose and pulled the duvet over her. I toned down the air con a few notches then switched off the light bulb and walked out of the room carefully closing the door behind me to avoid making a sound that'll wake her up.

Okay so chapter fourteen. I'd appreciate a star too.

Yours truly is starting exams tomorrow. Remember me in your prayers. I will try as much as i can to update chapters though. I love you.

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