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"You got me in chains for your love"

Hajiya Hindu

Since i heard the news of Ruqayyah's miscarriage, i've had quite a number of ideas brewing in my head. I'm certain Malama Atika's words were true. They've always been. Does it mean that she is having an affair behind her husband's back? I shook my head, no. Subhanallah it's haram. It wouldn't be a shocking news though. I always knew Hafsah's daughters are up to no good. Irresponsible. And here i thought marriage will be a cause of salvation for the two. Ah Ibrahim is far gone already. Clearly the worst of the trio. But on a serious note, how did Ruqayyah get pregnant or was she just trying to avert the pressure of a husband's family to give birth by cooking up her own story of having miscarried. This matter sure is mind boggling. Oh Allah! i wonder what crime that boy Ahmadu committed to be tried with sterility, poor boy. But one day your wife's secret will come out in the open. Who knows what issues they are having as a result of that pregnancy the girl claimed to have had. He knows he is not able to make a woman conceive so naturally he will question her on the paternity of the miscarried pregnancy. Trouble in paradise i'm sure. An evil grin gracing my face. I smell a divorce. Hmmmph. Hafsah this is the beginning to your end.

The other day i overheard, okay i won't lie to myself. I eavesdropped on them and i'm pretty sure Asma' sounded bitter over something her husband did but i wasn't able to put the pieces together as my stupid phone rang. I had to quickly flee from Hafsah's window before they realise i was there. Your conservative nature is what is hindering us from knowing you are not with peace of mind Hafsah. Soon the cat will be let out of the bag my dear co-wife. The salam of someone at the door snapped me out of my thoughts.

Wa alaikas salam!

I answered.


Me: Yes beautiful. Alhamdulillah! I missed you so much. How is school?

Better half: Ya Ahmad Alhamdulillah too. It's hectic but i'm giving it my best.

Me: May Allah make it easy for both of us. May He bless our hustle.

Better half: Ameen, ameen! So how is the thesis so far?

Me: It's coming together. I think i would hand it in for the final review next week.

Better half: All the best then.

Me: Thank you love. I miss you so much. Every minute of every day. Every passing second. I long for the day i'll see you and hold you in my arms again. Ruqayyah my heart yearns for you. Every cell in me calls unto you.

Better half: Ya Ahmad i miss you even more. More than i can express. Surely more than my lips can ever utter.

Me:To God i do not think i can ever stay this long away from you again. It hurts i tell you. Beautiful, it's been four months.

Better half: Ya Ahmad time flies. You'll be back in no time. It'll be like you never even left.

Me: So tell me how your day went.

Better half: But Ya Ahmad i gave you detailed narration of what i did from the time i woke up till after Zuhr when we talked earlier.

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