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"Loving you is easy 'cause you're all i want"


I met a woman at the store today. She was so nice. We even exchanged contacts. She said she's new in town. Came in from Daura. And she resembles a certain woman i've seen but i cannot recall who. I think she'll make a good friend.

I kept my eyes on her as she kept blabbing about the certain woman she met earlier during the day. I was however distracted by her lips and not the words coming off of them. She intrigues me. My wife is such a beauty.

Ya Ahmad you're giving me the look again (air quotes).

She interrupted my thoughts. Shaking my head, i only smiled at her.

See that smile, i'm sure you can barely recall half of what i've said so far.

She crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. So cute. If only she knows what that simple gesture does to me. When i smiled again, she narrowed her eyes at me and that made me grin.

Come here!

I said gesturing with my finger. And her reaction made me grin even wider.

Okay fine. I apologise.

She narrowed her eyes at me again. I know she was expecting me to say i wouldn't zone out anymore when she's talking to me. Scooting closer to her i mirrored her posture and that made her laugh.

There! You were talking about this seemingly nice woman you met at the shop yeah?

She nodded her head then put up a finger.

Yeah but that's just the headline. Now tell me the content. You've made a habit of zoning out whenever i'm talking to you face to face.

Putting my hands up in defeat, i sighed and smiled.

Okay babe, you got me. And i do not zone out when the matter is serious.

The look again!

Okaaaay i am so sorry. Look it really isn't my fault. I just can't help it. C'mon i practically have an angel for a wife and you think i can listen to those luscious lips of hers blabber and then concentrate on what she's saying? Not fair. Not to mention her beautiful face. Arrrrgh! Understand my dilemma here. Please. I have reason to believe that a certain Ahmad's wife is Prophet Yusuf's descendant.

(laughs heartily) Ya Ahmaaaaaad!

She drawled my name sensually and covered her face with her hands. The shyness resurfacing. I could feel her smile though. I gently tugged her hands and pulled her towards me. She fell on my chest and her weight taking me off guard made me fall on my back.

Geez! How frequent do you eat these days?

Both of us laughed and for a moment i stopped and gazed at her face. The way her eyes narrowed as she smiled. The way her perfectly set teeth shone in the dim light of the room. And the light shudder of her body as she laughed. So mesmerising. She stopped and just stared at me and oh i am loosing my defences. Slowly, i lifted  my head up to meet her lips in a warm and lingering kiss. That was my undoing.


Oh Ruqayyah it's been months since we've met. And i'm still yet to meet this charming husband of yours. I hear stories about him everyday and i'm curious as to see the man that reminds me so much of my ex husband. And the grave mistakes i've made in life. I do not know if our merciful Lord will forgive me for my heinous crimes.

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