Chapter Twenty-Three

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"I like it when you smile but i love it when i'm the reason"


I woke up to the adhaan for subh prayer. Sitting up on the bed, i scrunched my nose and rubbed my eyes with the back of my hand. Looking in Ruqayyah's direction, i almost laughed out. The girl has made a border dividing the bed into two halves with pillows. Smiling,i made my way to her bathroom for the very first time. After making wudhu, i noticed an opened pack of sanitary pads. Then it dawned upon me that it's probably that time of the month for Ruqayyah.  And that explains why she tactfully avoided praying with me the night before.


We watched a movie till late at night and i know that if i go to bed without praying my nafils, i wouldn't be able to wake up. She had already laid on the bed when i joined her in the room after locking up and switching off the lights. I went and sat close to her. She kept held my gaze and gave me a heart melting smile. I stopped myself from getting distracted by her and just held her hands.

Wifey go and make wudhu so that we can pray together since you're still awake.

No i can't !  She replied smoothly.

Lazy bones get up!  I tickled her sides. She squirmed and giggled.

Habibi i'd love to pray with you but i can't. I 'm having my period. Haven't you noticed that i've not prayed through out today? Go and pray. And make lots of du'a for us. My reward has already been written.

Oh! You mean wifey is a grown up? Who could've have ever guessed.

I feigned a surprised look and she threw a pillow at me which i dodged.

Better luck next time i muttered.

Present Day

I smiled and left the bathroom before i run late for salah. Normally the thought of Sakinah will leave me moody all day. But these days just like any other memory, when i remember her,  i just smile and brush it off. 

After salah, i headed back home without reciting at the masjid. When i came back, i checked on her before going into my room to recite and do some azkars. Time passed as i enjoyed the peace and tranquility that comes with recitations. I made a lot of dua's mostly for my wife before hitting the shower.

After getting dressed, i went into the kitchen and made club sandwich and two mugs of hot chocolate. Seeing my handwork on a tray, i smiled and carried the tray in both hands and walked in the direction of  her room.She was on the phone when i entered the room so i kept the tray on the bedside drawer and was about to turn and leave the room to allow her some privacy when she told the person on the other end that i'm around and gave me the phone.
Who else but the tease herself,sometimes i wonder just how Abdulazeez copes with his chatty wife him being an introvert and all.Yusra and i chatted for quite sometime before i hung up telling her i have a wife to tend to.Turning to her,Ruqayyah quickly looked away...ah she was staring at me.When i moved close to her,she greeted me and with a wide grin i answered.I asked how she was feeling and truly she was better.

Now for breakfast(swishing the hand)...this!

I handed a mug to her and very slowly,she lifted it to her mouth and took a sip.

Geez did you pour the whole sugar jar in this?'s sweeeeeet!

Lemme have it,try this one instead.

I pushed the other mug towards her but she smiled and drank the one she was holding.

Ya Ahmad it's perfect...thank you!

I sighed in relief and gave her a sandwich which she immediately collected and took a bite.

Mmmm...this is even better,i love it.

She nodded in appreciation and smiled wide.We ate in comfortable silence.Ruqayyah though hasn't eaten half of it.I forced her to eat more by feeding her the sandwich myself.She gave a shy smile for every bite she took and avoided my eyes.I got a call from work so i gave her her drugs and quickly left promising to return home early.


I do not know why my heart beat speeds up whenever he is near.I was still rooted to the spot he left me with the mug in hand thinking about him.A voice startled me and i gasped.

Adda Rukky what are you thinking of...Oooh or is it a who?

Apparently Aisha came few minutes ago and even talked with Ahmad on his way out before saying multiple salams which i obviously did not hear.I was so happy to see her.She hugged me so tight before releasing me.

I missed you Adda Rukky,how is your health now?

Before i could answer,she took the mug i had just kept on coffee table and took a sip.She scrunched her face and almost spat it out but swallowed nonetheless and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

This is too sweet Adda Rukky am shocked any person is able to drink it.This is too sweet even for Ya Ahmad the sugar lover...wait! he made this right?.

She laughed so hard then cleared the used utensils.Aisha was watching a movie and i had dozed off when the sound of my ringtone woke me up.I swiped the green button to answer the  call.

Hi there! How is the wife doing?

I feel much better.

Alhamdulillah...hope Aisha is not being a nuisance. I warned her against that especially now that you're ill.

No no...she's not(looks in her engrossed in her movie).

I called to remind you to eat and take your medication.That plus i miss you!

I smiled and kept mute.

Oh come on say you know you miss me too (laughs).Anyway take care of yourself for me,your thought isn't helping me work.

Yeah okay bye.

I felt exultant.My phone lit up with a message notification from him.

G:I can't concentrate...wife i miss you,take care!

To anyone it is just a simple message,to me it is not.For every passing second,i like this man even more.I was so happy.

G:Send a blank message please.

Why he asked for a blank message,i do not know why but i sent it anyway .

G:you are my favourite notification even if its blank☺.Thank you for being a part of my life Adda Roukie.You mean much more than i can say in words.See you soon,take care please.

When i read that message,i almost squealed with joy.I am glad i am married to a man as himself. Even more grateful that he does not regret having me as his wife.

Another chapter.Hope you liked it.Cheer me with a star,i'd love your comments too.

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