Chapter Thirteen

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"Indeed,Allah is with the patient"

I had just laid my back on my bed when i heard an unfamiliar ringtone emanating from my vanity. I do not recall changing my ringtone nor do i remember my Samsung having a ringtone peculiar to an iPhone. Then it clicked! It must be Ruqayyah's phone from when i gave directions of the house to her brother earlier. I must have forgotten to return it to her and may be she didn't need to use it else she would have asked for it. The phone rang again so i retrieved it and glanced at the screen. Who could this unknown caller be? Just as i was debating whether to answer it or not, the call ended. She has got eleven missed calls and two messages from whom i am curious to know. A small voice in my head stopped me from checking who the messages and calls are from. It's wrong to pry. We should respect people's privacy. She has 23% battery life, so i switched off the phone and plugged in a charger. That night just like many others, i had something eating away on my mind and it kept me awake for quite a while. Who would call a married woman at almost 11pm when she's suppose to be attending to her husband, me. Wait! Does she always get calls this late? I kept pondering over it till i finally slept off.


Luckily for me, i woke up in time for Subh prayer without an alarm. After reading pages from the Qur'an and saying my morning supplications, i sought for my phone but was unable to find it. I am sure i have tonnes of missed calls. Oh no! maybe Adda Asma' called on her husband's cell to hear details about Yaya Ibrahim's visit since her's has got a problem. I made a mental note to call her back when i find it. I'm sure she's super eager to hear about it. I went on about my chores before the kids wake and demand my attention. I had finished all the house chores and was about to take a stack of plates from the kitchen island to the dining table when suddenly i felt something on my legs. I shrieked in response and dropped the plates which made a loud shattering sound as they made contact with the tiles. Before i could regain my composure, i felt warm hands on my bare arms. Instinctively, i turned around and was met with a panic stricken Grumpy.

What is it Ruqayyah? What is it?

He shook me lightly.

Are you hurt or something? Where does it pain?

He said as he scanned my body for sign of injuries. I suddenly became aware of his hands touching me then i lightly swatted them off and took a step backwards. I let out a yelp as i stepped on a shard of glass. The pain i felt made me fall back into his welcoming arms and he gently moved me to the side and pulled out a chair for me to sit. He hurriedly left the kitchen and just like a flash of lightning, came back in with a first aid kit in hand. He repeatedly said sorry as he gently lifted my foot a bit higher and very skillfully and slowly removed the shard. He proceeded to disinfect the cut and used a clean gauze to wrap up my foot. "All done" he said then a sorry as he helped me up and guided me to my room all the while saying sorry.


And immediately i helped her seat on the edge of her bed, i remembered Khulthum still in the kitchen. I told her to get dressed and quickly left her room for the kitchen. I found Khulthum in a corner crying with her head perched up on her knees. And her arms wrapped protectively around her legs. I had initially come with the intention of spanking her but seeing her so vulnerable, i decided against it. So i picked her up in my arms and pacified her till she slept off and then i took her to the room. There, i reached for my phone and dialled Hajiya's number. She picked on the third ring.

Na'am Hajiya good morning. When did Abdulazeez say he is coming to pick up his kids?...Yes he's been back in the country for over five days...And besides he said they are going to be here for a week but now its almost two...Hajiya am bringing them over right now before they injure my wife more. Haba Hajiya my wife is not a baby taking her to see a doctor. Bye!

I was so mad at Abdulazeez. I'll definitely scold Khulthum when she wakes. I took my car keys and my wallet, stuffed them in my pocket, then carried Khulthum over my shoulders and took her to the car. I came back into the house, went straight to the room Zayyad was sleeping in then woke him up and took him to the car also. When i came back into the house, i headed straight for Ruqayyah's room.

She had her head propped up on a pillow and was still wearing the sleeveless dress from earlier. I told her to change into something else so that we could go see a doctor but she declined saying she's fine. Upon insistence, she agreed to go so she wore a hijab over the dress instead of changing it.


I can't believe i agreed to seeing a doctor 'cause of a mere cut. Grumpy can be so persuasive. On the drive to the clinic, he kept glancing my way and saying sorry every few seconds that i even got tired of answering. Grumpy woke the kids up just to get me checked up. It's just a cut and he did a good job dressing it. Why he is worried about it is a mystery. At the clinic, the doctor told him not to worry since i wasn't bleeding although the cut was a bit deep and i got two stitches. The doctor prescribed some pain killers and reassured Grumpy i was going to be fine. He held my hand and helped me to the car. The kids had slept off again. I felt pity for my babies. We left the clinic premises and headed to Hajiya's. This time i asked Grumpy why we took the road to Hajiya's. He explained that Hajiya wanted the kids to stay for a few days with her before they go back to their parents'. I will miss them i said with a pout. He looked at me and grinned like a lunatic. Grumpy to Goofy in one day, i could get used to this.

So how do you like thirteen? Do not forget to hit that star. Love you loads!

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