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"Be careful who you trust .The devil was once an angel"


Babe! Adda Roukie! Beautiful where art thou? Your phone's been ringing,its a call from Ukhti.

I called out to my wife who was no where in sight. Seconds later, she poked her head through the half open door and told me to answer the call and tell the woman she'll call back when she's done with whatever she was doing. Just like a lightning bolt, she disappeared as soon as she told me that. I sighed as the phone began to ring again. This time, the caller is Aisha. Swiping the green button on the screen, i received the call.

Yo bae what's up?

On hearing my voice, Aisha greeted me. We talked for little over a minute before Ruqayyah came rushing into the room which made me say bye to Aisha before hanging up.

Ya Ahmad, my phone. (pointing to the phone i am holding).

Oh here! Let me drop you off. I can't have my wife speeding on the roads of KT just 'cause she's running late for a class.

Okay. I'd love that. I love you.

She said as she smiled and pulled me by the arm. I smiled back as she practically dragged me through the hallway out of the front door and towards the car. During the ride, her phone rang again and this time the call came from a class mate. She was informed that the lecture would no longer hold as the course tutor who is a visiting lecturer had car trouble on his way to Katsina. When she told me, i was happy. That meant i'll get to spend the day with her. But to my dismay, she asked if i could drop her off at Ukhti's house. I wasn't happy but i didn't want to deny her permission to see her. Not with those pleading eyes. I thought Adda Roukie will sense my hesitance and follow me back home but instead, as she's done a couple of times did not sense it or just completely ignored it. And i think its the later assumption. I dropped her off at the woman's apartment and drove off to Hajiya's. Even Hajiya complained about Ruqayyah not visiting for about two months even though a new school session just began and they had no serious lectures at school. I covered up for her even though Hajiya was stating the fact. Deep down in me, i felt something. A pang of jealousy and to an extent annoyance for her not spending enough time with me since she became friends with the so called Ukhti. Hajiya was getting suspicious that i may not be treating Ruqayyah well, that or i am trying to hide something from her hence the reason for not bringing her to the main house for quite sometime as opposed to how i used to take her to spend the day every almost every week. The time she spends with the woman is just too much. Even when she's home, she's almost always on the phone with her. I wonder what they keep talking about. Its frustrating. I sighed and made my way home.


I'm this close to achieving my goal and Baba Dauda is now on my neck to return to Abuja completely. The man is not content with my visits once every month or two. I need to increase the pace at which am executing my plan which is gradually falling into place. I have won my way into Ruqayyah's heart, i just have make her have more pity for me. I believe her sympathy will be my ticket back to Ahmad's house. So today, i plan on telling her the second half of my story but with some twists of mine. So i look up at her vulnerable self and cleared my throat.

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