Chapter Thirty

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"It is difficult to wait and even worse to regret"


Promise me you'll look after yourself while i'm away. I do not want you to lift a finger in doing any chores. The two house helps i've gotten for you should be enough to cater for all the chores that's needed to be done. And if for any reason you feel you need more helping hands, do not hesitate to inform me. Aisha will move in with you until i return. Please eat frequently. Do not overburden yourself with school work. You'll do just fine without the added stress. I've left one of my ATM cards in the first drawer of my night stand. Hopefully, the cash in that account should be enough for you to spend before i return. It's my main account. I've told Hajiya to send Baba driver every week to fuel both the cars for your use. She will also take care of fueling the generator for you with the constant instability of power in this country. You can go grocery shopping with the help of Aisha i suppose. Make sure you don't do that alone. Ruqayyah if anything comes up, do not forget i'm just a dial away. Better still, you can contact Hajiya directly. I want you to keep in mind that i love you. Now and always. Ruqayyah Allah is my witness that i love you with my all for His sake. And i pray to Him everyday that you love me too. Even if its not up to a half of how much i feel for you, just love me. I don't mind how little you do that. I initially thought of just forfeiting this course since i wouldn't be able to take you along. But Hajiya advised me against it, assuring me you'll be fine. If for any reason my absence is perceived as a breach of my rights as your husband, please forgive me. And inform me whenever that thought so much as crosses your mind. And i promise you i'll take the next available flight back to Nigeria. Right now, if you're uncomfortable about my going away, just say the word and i'll stay. Except you are totally and completely okay by my leaving for this course, please do not allow me to leave. I fear the day that Allah will question me concerning the responsibilities he vested upon me. One being you, my wife. Please have sympathy on your loving husband so that he would not fall victim of Allah's wrath by denying you your rights. Ruqayyah, you're my light in sheer darkness. I'll miss you so much. It's going to be one hell of six months. But my love for you is eternal and you should know.

He finished saying with a sigh. He spoke in all sincerity. I thanked Allah for making Ya Ahmad my spouse. A stray tear of joy rolled down my eyes. I sniffed then smiled. I will surely miss him. If only i can freeze a moment in time, i'll freeze this moment so that he may never go.cI really do not want tomorrow to come for it'll separate me from my heart throb. His words are so heart touching, truly he wouldn't be denying me any right by leaving 'cause from the bottom of my heart, i want him to go and advance in knowledge. I'm all for his success and i'll support him through it all.


When she started tearing up, my chest constricted. Have i said something wrong? Doesn't she want me to leave? I squeezed her hands which have been in my mine since the beginning of this conversation. I examined her closely 'cause i do not want her to mask her feelings. Its something i've observed she does well. She lowered her head and spoke in a voice so full of sincerity. She said the one thing i've been waiting to hear her utter for well more than 365 days. My heart swelled in my chest. I pretended i didn't hear what she said. So in a more audible tone, she said the words again.

I love you too Ya Ahmad.

I pulled her into a bone crushing hug until i felt her stir in my hold. Slowly, i released her and looked at her. She tried so hard to avoid my eyes. I moved my face inches closer to hers and tried meeting her gaze. She smiled when ours eyes met for a split second and pulled both her hands to cover her face. I laughed so hard and tried to peel her hands off her face. I wish she had told me earlier. Though that alone is enough to keep me going for those dreaded six months. I know those words will keep ringing in my ears for the longest time. She tugged on her hands again and she stood up and very quickly left the room. I laughed at that. There goes my shy wife.


Sitting on my bed, i was restless. I stood up and paced up and down my little Suleja apartment. I can't believe that slender naive girl is Ahmad's new wife. What is it that she has that attracted him to her, i pondered. I doubt if she's legally become an adult. Imagine how she was smiling when she greeted me. Such a villager. I scrunched my face in disgust. And that big for nothing Yusra that i even thought was classy has totally changed my impression of her. Seeing how she was relating with the so called Ahmad's wife like her long time friend, shamelessly laughing with her. When i first saw them i thought she's her maid. Ahmad never had taste for dark skinned women. What could have changed? Ah! Must be that control freak mother of his that talked him into taking that thing as a wife. Well, i wouldn't blame the poor guy,he's a man with needs after all. I'm a 101 percent certain that she is just a thing to warm his bed at night. Now that he's out of the country on one of his courses, i'll groom myself even more for when he returns. I'm ready to make a reappearance in his life. I'm getting my man back by whatever means it takes. Ahmad will willingly welcome me back. After all he was the one that begged for more than a year to take him back when i left. I've made a permanent mark on his heart. I wouldn't need to visit Baban Niger the medicine man as i had intended. It would be a waste of resources seeing that girl is the so called wife of his.

While on that, i'll need to push this man into giving me a divorce. He's become poor anyway. And has also failed to make me conceive. I am bored with his lack of romantic sense. I gave off an evil laugh. I should go and prepare his meal for when he comes home. Such a glutton. Always fusses when he returns to find his food not ready. Useless man!

Sakinah is back in the picture.
What do you think will happen in subsequent chapters?

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