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We are now in the top 50 in General Fiction... Yay! Thank you for all the votes. I cannot express how happy i am, so here is an update.


I was running late for a class. Taking quick steps towards my car, i felt my phone vibrating for the third time in my bag. The first two times it vibrated, i was making up for my mistake. Ignoring it again may probably mean ignoring good news. I pray it's someone calling to tell me the class will no longer hold. Amen! Rummaging through my bag, i fished out my phone and looking at the caller became disappointed.

Hello Ukti Sakinah, Morning!

Morning are you and school? How is Ahmad?

Alhamdulillah...Ya Ahmad is well.


I'm behind the wheels so talk later?

Umh well i wouldn't take much of your time... What time will your classes end today?

I'm having just one class today, two hours.

Okay...I was thinking of coming over later. It's been a while you know, i missed you.!... Okay then. Got to go.


This woman! I had my day all planned out. I'll just make a quick stop at my friends' and apologize to Aisha 'cause i wouldn't be able to make it to Hajiya's after class. Plus i have a big baby to spoil today or i risk the return of Grumpy.

I reached the school's parking space in record time and made it to class before the lecturer stepped in. I had a boring lecture which made me think of all the possible reasons why Ukti suddenly want to show up after about a month of not communicating. What has she got off her sleeves this time? A message popped up on my screen immediately the lecture was over.

Ya Ahmad: Done with class yet? I miss you already.

Me: I miss you even more. Yeah done!

Ya Ahmad: Oh sorry babe! So how is the baby?

Heart Broken (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now