Chapter Eighteen

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"Days will pass, you will give up the things you were addicted to. You will leave someone. You will love someone. You will cancel a dream and you will accept reality"


Dr Sa'ad and his wife Aisha are a very lovely couple. Really nice people i must say. They have two adorable boys. We both enjoyed having them over. On saturday while we spent the day trying out new recipes and going shopping. Chit chatting just about anything and everything. The men on the other hand watched an el classico match and they both wore themselves out supporting their respective teams. Ninety minutes gone and the match was over. One would think they've tire after over an hour of screaming their lungs out but no, these men were just getting started. They spent almost another hour debating on who is a better player between Lionel Messi of Barcelona and Christiano Ronaldo of Real Madrid. Typical of men though. Keeps me wondering if maybe they'll be awarded a treasure chest for all the ruckus but we all know in the end they still won't come to a consensus. When we came back from Hajiya's after asr, the men were still in the living room catching up on old times and laughing their hearts out. A sight to behold. Lunch was still untouched so i had to send Grumpy a message faking annoyance for dumping my food before they finally ate.

After having their late lunch, they went out to watch a polo match in town and did not come back until after Isha. All along, their kids were with Aisha. Aishatu (Sa'ads wife) suggested we intrude on their catching up moment so we set up a table in the garden and invited them over for tea. We ended up chatting and laughing till midnight before we all decided turn in. And by then, the kids and Aisha were already fast asleep.


Yesterday was fun so am so looking forward to today. I missed having fun and not having a care in the world. I miss forgetting about all my worries and just holding onto the moment. I am so glad Sa'ad came and even happier that Ruqayyah and his wife have clicked so well. It's like they've been long time buddies. Talking over tea was a great idea. All hail the women. Although it created a platform for Sa'ad to run his mouth like a loose tap saying embarrassing stories of my childhood and high school days. As if that wasn't enough, he even brought up Sakinah's topic of when i was so foolishly seeking for her heart and she was acting all tough and hard to get. Even though Ruqayyah laughed about his stories, i was sure she was jealous. Hurt even, because her eyes gave her away. The idiot! I'll have to caution him against talking about my ex-wife in presence of my wife. Better still caution him against talking about her completely. Just now that we've made peace and are gradually learning to like each other, he wants to ruin it. I quickly got out of bed and leapt into the shower. If i want to talk to him, i should atleast do it before the wives wake. I was all done in less than twenty minutes so i went out through the back door and into the male guest quaters. Sa'ad was wide awake reading one of his medical newsletters on his tab as expected. He is always reading. God i prefer playing with numbers that is why i went for engineering in the first place. We spent like two hours talking about important things and businesses we would like to invest in. I also discussed some of my marital issues that were up for discussion and kept the more private ones to myself. Those are only for my wife and i to  know. Secrets. He gave me really useful pieces of advice just like he always does.

He's a good man. My best friend. Our friendship goes way back to childhood days. I remember the day we first met. It was when i was three years old. Back at kindergarten. It was my first day at school and me being the Hajiya's boy i am, kept crying and screaming for my mummy. The class teacher kept comforting me but to no avail. I cried everyday and threw tantrums for three days. On the fourth day, this boy came to me and shared his cheese balls with me. He told me not to cry. He held my hand and led me to the playground. He even pushed me on the swing. Our friendship began that day. Later on, when we were in primary four, the big house across our street was completed and the occupants had moved in. A few days passed. Then one day, when i was coming back from arabic school with Abdulazeez, we saw two boys playing across the street, in front of the new house. You've guessed right. It was Sa'ad and his sibling. We became even closer and soon we were inseparable. We both laughed at our little story when i finished narrating it. Just then, my phone lit up with a new message notification.

Wifey: Breakfast is getting cold. Good morning!

And Sa'ad just had to keep teasing me till we went into the main house. Just 'cause i was in a better mood when i saw my wife's message. Truth is, i've  been anticipating seeing her. I missed her for the time i've not been with her. Sa'ad said to me;

"Man you're screwed! She's got you bad wallahi even worse than with your first love,i'm scared"


G: Good morning sunshine! Coming!

I smiled seeing after reading his reply. Grumpy has changed alot and am thankful. On the table, he sat opposite me and kept his eyes on me. With every bite he took, he complimented my cooking skill. I on the other hand kept avoiding his eyes and smiling shyly. When Dr Sa'ad had enough of Grumpy's praises, he halted him saying;

Kai malam haba if i do not compliment my wife's every action then am sure she'll be fussing right about now 'cause of how you keep complimenting yours' every move.

Aishatu (Sa'ads wife) and i burst into a fit of laughter. The doctor wasn't amused.

Dan iska if you go on with this behavior, shamelessly trying to flirt with your wife over every meal and complimenting her amidst people, then you'll start a tornado in somebody's household. Imagine if it's neither me nor Aisha here. Neither is it anybody that knows you still act like an excessive hormone producing teenager. Just 'cause you are in love. What would the person think?

And we laughed again. Grumpy just stared at his friend then smirked before answering him.

Well it's a good thing then that it's you guys then. If not, i don't know. Really. Besides she's my wife and i'm getting baskets of rewards for my gesture. Not so?

He shifted his gaze to Aishatu's and gave her a questioning look to which she nodded in the affirmative. And laughed. Then he said something that made my breath hitch.

And yes i am in love. I love my wife. Very much. Problem?

He looked around the table and settled his eyes on me proving the sincerity of his words. The sound of Dr Sa'ad and his wife's laughter resounded cutting off the staring contest between us. At last, i could breath again.

Aisha is Ahmad's brother. Aishatu is Sa'ad's wife. Just so we're clear.

What do you think of heartbroken so far? Comment to let me know please. And you know i keep asking for that star.

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