Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Patience is virtue"


Finally the paper came in. I got in. It's a six months software engineering course in the UK. Anyone would expect me to be happy right? But i am not. Even considering the fact that this is the second time i'm applying for it. The first was some two years back but prior to registeration, i fell sick and was bedridden till registerations closed and my admission was terminated. I was hurt then. And now i am not exactly excited about this new development. Picking up my car keys, i strode out of the office and drove to the main house. Hajiya was happy for me when she heard of the Leeds news. We had lunch together. Something we've not done in a while. After lunch, we discussed alot of things some pertaining to the family's business and others just personal issues.

Ahmad you're expected to start this course just few weeks after ramadhan. It means you won't be joining us to perform hajj this year too.

Hajiya said.

No i won't. But i'll be going on the lesser hajj with Ruqayyah inSha Allah.

I told Hajiya.

That's good. So we'll all be going then. This year i want to celebrate eid el fitr at home so we'll go beginning of ramadhan and come back within the first twenty days inSha Allah. And Abdul and Yusra will be going as well.

Well well this is another news am not so thrilled about too. The whole family plus the sister in-law, not exactly what i have planned.

Okay Hajiya if you'd prefer that. But i initially was planning on telling you to go on without us because Ruqayyah prefers spending her last days of ramadhan at the holy land.

Ahhh no. No, you don't have to change your plans. You should go at the time that is most preferrable to your wife. Aisha would have loved if we all go together but it's okay. As long as there's life, we'll all go together some other time. May Allah bless you all.

Ameen Hajiya. Ruqayyah is an easygoing person. I'll talk to her and i'm sure she'll understand. Next time she...

Hajiya cut me off mid sentence.

No Ahmad. Just because she's easygoing does not mean we should deprive her of her rights. Besides it's Ibadah not a pleasure trip. If she wants to go at the second half of ramadhan, so it shall be.

Okay Hajiya. If you insist.

Ahmad, i do insist.

That went well. I grinned in satisfaction. How would i even manage travelling with the whole family.The first time Abdulazeez travelled with Yusra to perform Umrah it was only the two of them. Now they want us to tag along with the bunch of them, no way. Besides no body knows what i planned for my wife and i. Ruqayyah does not know we are travelling anywhere talkless of having a time preference. Ya Allah forgive me. I just used her name to get what i want. Then i remembered Leeds and sighed.

Hajiya about that man at the UK embassy. He still works there right?

Mm! she nodded.

Alhamdulillah . Getting a visa for Ruqayyah would not be much of a hassle.

Visa kuma Ahmad? No it won't be hopefully. You are not planning on travelling with her, are you?

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