Chapter Nine

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"A broken heart is like a puzzle,if the right person can find all the pieces and fit them into place,it can become one again"

It's been a long day for me. Work and more work. All i wanted to do right then was to take a long bath and sleep. Then i remembered i have to go to Hajiya's else she'll be pissed.

At the house, Hajiya had visitors so i had to wait for them to leave before we could talk. I busied myself with a movie as i ate in the same living room as Aisha who was busy playing a game on her phone. The movie had just come to an end when Hajiya came into the living room and dismissed Aisha. Then she sat down across from me. Hajiya wasn't in the best of moods i could tell. She only answered my greeting with a nod. She was quiet for a few minutes as she typed something on her phone. With a sigh, she kept the phone and removed her eye glasses before turning to me.

Ahmad how is my daughter? Not like you care anyway.

Oh so her anger is directed towards me and not the visitors she had. She narrowed her eyes at me and continued.

Ahmad listen to what i have to say very attentively. And not only listen but make sure you act on it. What was that yesterday? I thought you are better than that. I thought that as your mother, you respect me but i think i am wrong.

My heart constricted at her words and i felt so horrible. I was about to apologise when she halted me with her hand and resumed talking.

Ruqayyah was entrusted to us not because they lacked another person to give that privilege to or because she lacked a person who loves her nor because you are better than her other suitors. No Ahmad, her parents and herself accepted my request to unite you, my broken son and her because of the bond their father and yours had. Because of the respect they have for this family as well.

She exhaled sharply and paused before she went on

Ahmad, please fear Allah and treat Ruqayyah the way she deserves to. You may not love her but she is your wife now and a responsiblity upon your shoulders. Perhaps if you had insisted on not marrying her before the wedding. Because now i feel i have forced you into doing something against your will which you are yet to accept. Wallahi Ahmad if you do not want the wrath of Allah to descend upon you, you'll be more careful in abiding by His rules. She has rights as your wife, you know.

She paused again and sat upright.

Ahmad i keep reminding you that whatever befalls you, good or bad is a test from your creator and no man can escape that. It was reported by Umar Ibn Khattab that "if something is meant to go elsewhere, it will never come your way but if it is yours by destiny, from it you cannot flee". And Ahmad you know. Take for example when i asked for Hamidah's hand and Ruqayyah got married to you instead. Doesn't it tell you something, that it's been Ruqayyah all along who is destined to be with you, even when Sakinah left on the ground of a baseless thing, i never blamed her. Its all destiny,"Qadr" Ahmad and you cannot escape it. Be grateful to your Lord for all that He does to you 'cause its the best for you. Have tawakkul Ahmad. Do you want to defy your Lord for a mere test?After all he has done for you. He created you out of dust (clay) and elevated you to your status. He made all that you'll need available to you even in abundance. He gave you five senses and sound health. Ahmad i warn you, desist from being among the ungrateful. Ahmad refrain from going astray. As your mother, i have and will always tell you the truth, inSha Allah. Allah will not hold me responsible for the wrong you do. I've given you the training that is required of me.

Out of no where, i hear Amin's voice apologising to Hajiya on my behalf. I had no words. I felt very disappointed. Hajiya's words were so touching. She was telling me the truth. She stood up and stared at me for quite a while.

Ahmad your father would have been very disappointed in you. Please uphold the dignity of his name, uphold the dignity of this household. Do not let this conduct go on. Put an end to it. Bilkisu will not be a party to!

And just like that she left the room. A hand on my shoulder was the only shield that stopped tears from spilling. I cant break down in the presence of Amin.

Ya Ahmad do not worry. You know Hajiya better than we all do. She loves us. She is just angry at you and by tomorrow she'll calm down. Please just heed to her advice. May Allah make it easy for you.

I smiled and thanked my little brother for his advice. This heartbreak thing is driving me nuts. I asked Amin to ask for Hajiya's forgiveness on my behalf before i come to do so myself the following day. Right now i have to ask my creator for forgiveness. As i drive home, i kept saying Astaghfirullah.


Today was fun! After Zuhr, Abba came and we chatted for a long time. The guy is so funny. He even brought movies along with him. Among those is Rowan Atkinson's Mr Bean. I looooove Rowan's movies. The guy could make you tear up 'cause of laughter.

I got Aunty Yusra's number from Abba so i decided to call her immediately Abba left the house. She picked on the third ring. She was so happy i called. She told me she asked of my number from Ya Ahmad and he told her he'll text it to her. He probably forgot to send it due to work she said. She asked of my well being too. Then Ya Ahmad, the house and alot of things. She also gave me some advice on marriage and told me to be patient with Ya Ahmad 'cause his divorce has adversely affected him. We talked for a long while and i even spoke to Ya Abdulazeez and Khultum. Aunty Yusra promised to call me later in the day so i can talk to Zayyad when he wakes. I was so happy after talking to them.

After Isha, i was deep in conversation with Adda Asma' over the phone. She was telling me about her home and how her husband loves and adores her. Whenever Adda Asma' tells me about her marriage life, i envy her and always wonder if i'll ever get a chance to live like that. I often avoid giving her details about mine and just tell her am enjoying every bit of it. Truth is i don't. She was giving me 'the tips' as she calls it and i was laughing when i hear the clicking of the front door being opened. I turned around and there he emerged from the hallway and into the living room then he said the salam. I quickly said bye to Adda Asma' and got off the phone. Then i answered his salam and kept my eyes on him as he walked past the living room to the other hallway which leads to the bedrooms.

Mr Grumpy is home early. Why, i wondered. And today, he looks even more sad, upset too. Bad day at work i suppose. May Allah make it easy for him. May Allah restore his happiness i silently prayed. I walked to the dining area and cleared the table, then stowed the food away. I flicked off the light switch and went into my room with the intention of praying nafil and making dua for Grumpy.

Another chapter down.

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