Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Once in a lifetime, you meet someone who changes everything"

Salam amarya

Came Aunty Yusra's voice as she walked into the room, a baby bump visible. I looked up at her as she sat on the edge of the bed.

Your husband is downstairs. Said your flight is for the next few hours. Better come down for breakfast.

I was sitting on the vanity stool grooming my hair. I finished pulling my hair into a tight bun. Instead of going downstairs, we sat for about fifteen minutes talking about the brothers. My phone's screen lit up with an incoming message. Reaching for my phone, i tapped the message notification bar.

Ya Ahmad: Morning beautiful! How much longer do i have to wait to see you? Lucky you the kids are awake if not i would have come bring you down myself.
Ps:"Bridal Style"

I giggled at his message. Adda Yusra's piercing stare made me close the message.

Oooooh hubby alert! Someone once told me her husband is too heartbroken to love her. That she'll respect him but was so certain she would never feel anything for him (laughs). You know Ruky, i keep wondering if their hatred is blossoming. What do you think?

We both laughed.

Kai Aunty Yusra!

Just saying.

She puts her hands up in her defense.

Descending the stairs, i heard the rich timbre of his voice echoing. His laughter. As i descended the stairs, i caught the most breath taking sight before me. Sitting in all grace, wearing a crisp navy blue shirt on light blue jeans. So casual. Something he rarely wears. He is always either in natives or formal wears and Jallabiyas.

Zayyad was telling his uncle something which he clearly wasn't attentive to. He tickled Khulthum who kept squirming to escape his clutch. He is so good with kids masha Allah. His smile became even more wider when he noticed me.

All through breakfast, he kept throwing indiscreet glances at me. Shortly after, we were seated in the living room gisting.  With his eyes transfixed on me all the time. I felt shy. A bit uncomfortable too.

Ya Ahmad you have about two hours until the scheduled take off time of your flight is due. We better head to the airport now. You know how the FCT's hold up can get.

Ya Abdulazeez spoke, momentarily taking Ahmad's attention off of me which i was thankful for. Upstairs, i unplugged my phone from it's charger and was about to throw it in my beige coloured Victoria Beckham handbag when i noticed a message notification blinking.

Ya Ahmad: You look stunning i'm afraid i'd have to battle with prying eyes today. Red is just the colour for you. One of my favs too.

I smiled at his message. I really didn't want to wear this dress. Red is so not my colour. Aunty Yusra kinda talked me into wearing it. More like jealousy made me to. She said Sakinah wore it all the time 'cause apparently her husband loves the colour. His favorite feminine color, in her words.

Mm love birds, you have twenty days all to yourselves. More than enough time to express to one another how you truly feel. Well that is if you make it in time for the flight.

I wasn't even aware that Aunty Yusra came into the room. I got caught in the moment.

Ruqayyah make the most out of your trip. Show him he is the most important person in your life. Your husband is an easyily convinced person. And i see the way he looks at you. Wallah he never looked at Sakinah that way even though we all knew he could take a bullet for her.

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