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"The heart wants what it wants"


You met Sakinah? When? Where? Friends?

She just nodded her head. I swallowed a lump in my throat. Sakinah is bad news. How did the two end up becoming friends anyway. I know Sakinah is never to be trusted. The woman is like a snake. What does she want with my wife? Or is it my marriage. Oh no! She must be the reason for my wife's change of behavior lately.

Wait! Did she tell you anything about us now...i mean her and I? Because so help me God if she's been feeding you lies, i will strangle her.

I instantly became mad. No scratch that, furious! I think Sakinah has a thing for making me pissed. I tried calming my nerves to the best of my ability before putting her hand in mine and placing my other on hers.

Look babe, Sakinah is bad news!

I kinda figured it out too. She played me Ya Ahmad. She seemed so pious and she portrayed she deeply regrets asking her husband a divorce. I sympathized with her. She kept saying things about her supposed ex husband...mostly good things even though she said a few bad ones. She even made me doubt your past, please forgive me. But Ya Ahmad even though she lied and deceived me, i know she's been very sincere about the fact that she misses you.

She's a liar Adda Roukie, nothing about her was and will ever be sincere.

Ya Ahmad please just listen to me.

Okay fine. I am all ears beautiful.

Ya Ahmad i think...i know rather, that right now all she wants is for you to take her ba...

Heart Broken (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now