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Chapter 1

**Bridget's POV***

(A/N the story will be in Bridget's POV unless mentioned.)

It's been about two years since little Audrey was born. Harry and Taylor got married a year after her birth; One Direction took a break from music for a while since Zayn got married to Perrie and had a little boy. Liam got engaged to Sophia and Louis is still looking for love. Taylor released another album and called it Red; but never went on a tour since she had her daughter to take care of. Niall and I on the other hand took a long break, I started college and he moved back home to spend it with his family. Our break lasted for almost a year when he came back to America and rekindled our romance, I was now 19 and he was 21.

I am now half way through my first year of college, and I committed to UofT but not for basketball but for film and acting. I had found out during my senior year that was dyslexic, and I've had to overcome it with after school classes. I still live at home so I can help take care of Audrey, plus I wasn't quite ready to move out. But next year I am splitting an apartment with a friend that I made through acting classes.

"Bwridget look what I made for you!" Audrey could fully say my name right, she says it with a W which makes her even more adorable. I was watching Audrey with Niall while Harry and Taylor had a date; it's been a while since they've been out of town.

She ran up to me with a piece of paper in hand. She handed it to me and it was covered in glitter and lines, "It is beautiful Audrey thank you so much I love it!"

Audrey and I have an amazing relationship, we haven't fought yet, yeah I know she's only two, but I have this relationship with her that is just indescribable. Ever since the day she started talking to me we have just clicked.

"Bwidg I'm hungry what's for dinner?"

"Well, let's go see what Niall is making in the kitchen huh," she nodded; I pick her up and walk into the kitchen. "Smells good babe," I walked up to give him a kiss with Audrey on my other hip "What's for dinner?" she was jumping up and down in my arms.

"How does spaghetti sound Audrey?" she nodded her head up and down many times expressing she wanted that. "It will be done in ten minutes," he gave me another kiss and we walked back into the living room.

We started playing Supermarket when Niall yelled that dinner was ready, I quickly swung her up in the air and landed her on my hip, the room engulfed in giggles. Audrey had Taylor's laugh, but Harry's personality. She was beyond messy but bubbly, she had Harry's brown locks and the wavy strands of Taylors. Audrey also had our piercing blue eyes, and Harry's nose. She was stunning and I just knew that every guy was going to chase her when she gets older.

After dinner with the three of us, I grabbed Audrey for bed.

"Bwrid can you sing me to sleep?" I looked at Niall and he picked up my guitar and started strumming,

If we could only have this life, For one more day, If we could only turn back time, You know I'll be, Your life, Your voice, Your reason to be, My love, My heart, Is breathing for this, Moment, In time, I'll find the words to say, Before you leave me today.

She slowly fluttered her eyes close, Niall put the guitar down and we quietly walked out.

My bedroom was now downstairs by the studio, Audrey was in my room now. When she came home from the hospital I gave up my room to her so Taylor could be as close as possible to her, and if they ever try for another kid I don't have to hear it.

Niall and I were cuddling on the couch watching Ghost Adventures, when Harry and Taylor busted through the door, in a heated make-out session. Niall and I didn't really flinch, or move, we were used to this stuff.

Now that they were married and I was more mature about sex, they were more expressive. They broke from each other, looking over and greeting us "how was she?" Taylor looked over, fixing her shirt.

"Good, she went down maybe a half hour ago."

They both came over and joined us on the couch, "thanks again Bridg, we really needed this" I just gave her a smile and put my head back onto Niall's chest. They sat with us while we watched the rest of the show before we all went to bed.

Niall was getting undressed when I went to put my pajamas on before getting into bed. It was spring break for us and I just wanted to spend it with family so we didn't travel. I got two weeks off, which was really nice, and the break just started. "Babe..." Niall said while I moved over to his chest,

"Yes?" I respond as he starts playing with my hair; something I've always loved.

"What did you do during our break?"

"I thought we weren't going to talk about it." and we said when we were saying our goodbye is that when or if we see someone we wouldn't tell one another.

"Yeah I know, but it's really eating me alive"

I sigh, knowing I would want to know the same thing, "Niall that was a year ago."

"Can you just tell me hun, I won't be mad"

"That's what they always say," I giggled a little but he was stiff "...ugh fine. I went out on a few dates with one guy. But after like the third one I was over it."

"Where'd you meet him?" I knew he was going to do this

"I met him at a college bar, his name was Andy. I never took him home, I didn't go out for drinks with him. I didn't kiss him. I didn't even hold his hand Niall."

"Okay, okay, I saw one girl that used to be my old friend before I became famous, we went out but then we realized that we were better off friends. I never took her home either..." I looked up and smiled at him, he smiled back. He played with my hair for a little longer until I fell asleep.


"Bwridget! Wake up! Bwridget come on! You have to take me to dance today!" she was jumping on our bed and Niall groaned

"Dance? Aren't you too young?" I groan before turning over to stop her jumping.

She laughed "No!! Mommy said that I can start up ballet!"

"Talking about mom why can't she take you Audrey?" she wiggles in my arms, "I don't know! I want you to take me,"

"Let me get changed" I got up and threw a sweatshirt over my head and grabbed the keys

"It's baby's ballet on 9th street Bridg!" I heard Taylor yell at me before we walked out the door. I picked her up and buckled her car-seat and drove off.

Hey guys! So this is a sequel to Adopted by Taylor Swift, this is the first chapter and its going to be a solid basis on Bridget and her life at college with Niall, and such and such. Hope ya'll are as excited as me! Also aside is the trailer!

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