Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

We walked into the door with Audrey on my hip to see Hailey sitting with Taylor on the couch, they weren't talking; they were just sitting. I knew Hailey was still mad at Taylor for her rules, and frankly I was too. Both of their features were stiff,

"Harry's in the basement playing video games Niall" Taylor informed him after we stood there for a while, he nodded and headed downstairs. I put Audrey down and she ran to Taylor, "Hailey, want to go get some coffee?" I offered to her knowing how awkward it was for her. She nodded and got up, "when will you guys be home?" Taylor asked, trying to be protective, I just shrugged and walked out to the car.

"you're mom's such an ass dude, and to believe I bought all her albums, for her to treat me like this" Hailey got into the car and buckled her seatbelt, "I know, I'm sorry, she just doesn't want me to drink, and I happen to drink a lot with you... she'll get better."

When I first met Hailey we were in the same math class, we hit it off right away. She told me how much she loved Taylor; and it was even before I told her she was my mom. Just like me, Taylor helped Hailey through tough times, for her was breakups but she still would listen to her music all the time. Taylor loved Hailey at first, but after the night where I got blackout drunk and made out with Hailey, she lost all respect for her. It sucked knowing that your mom hated your best friend.

We walked into the Bluebird and the hostess greeted us "welcome to Blu-holy shit Bridget!"

"Rachel!" she laughed and wrapped in a big hug "How have you been?? Anyone come out and watch you on Saturdays?!"

"yeah! Actually Scott did, I've been talking to him for a little bit! I might get a deal with him Big Machine!"

"oh my god that's amazing! Congratulations! Oh and this is my right hand man/woman Hailey!" I introduced Hailey and she sat us. We just ordered coffee because Taylor fed Hailey and Niall and I ate on the plane. "so we watched you last night, Audrey was hilarious. You should have been in the living room with us when she said that. Harry was drinking a beer and he started choking on it, and then Taylor freaked out she was like 'oh my god?! Is this live! Did my daughter just say that! Now everyone knows I have sex!' and Harry was like 'uh yeah, people figure that out once you said you were pregnant'. It was perfect! I couldn't help but laugh at all of it."

I laughed "it was awkward on stage, I had no clue what to say, I didn't want to come out and say yes they have sex when Audrey is awake and I didn't want to say anything that made Harry sound like he beats Taylor, it was so embarrassing" we both laughed and our waiter brought out our drinks. "so have you talked with your dad about the whole situation?" I asked referring to her mother's cancer,

"yeah, a little... We just discussed what will happen and what to expect, but I didn't want to be around his stress. And with Corey in London I couldn't talk to him." Corey was Hailey's boyfriend, he was in London for a short film he was acting in; he was three years older than us. "tomorrow's the surgery so I have to go back home and be with my parents, and then Corey will be home that night..."

"do you need me to come with you?" she shook her head, "no, I appreciate it, but I don't want you around all that, my dad will be drinking, my uncle will be smoking. I don't want you around that stuff" I nodded understanding where she was coming from; and she was really a great friend understanding me getting sober. She wanted to but at this time she was so stressed out it was hard to stop, and I understood that. She was one of those really pretty, sexy girls that smoked and drank and everyone found it hotter than it actually was; she said it was a gift.

It was about five when I looked at my phone to see Taylor sent me a text, "Harry and I are going out, and Niall has Audrey. Please come home soon." I put my phone down "ready to head out? Niall's watching Audrey, Harry and Taylor went out"

"If Taylor's not there then yes I'm ready." She smiled and I laughed. We paid the bill and headed out, "bye Rachel! Text me soon so we can hang out okay?!" she nodded and headed home.

We walk into the door to hear Audrey scream laughing from the bathroom, Hailey headed down stairs to pack up and I headed to her bathroom. Niall was giving her a bath, "welcome home beautiful" I smiled and gave him a kiss. I looked at Audrey, she had bubbles on her face, "I'm sannie clause" I laughed and pointed at my stomach "me too!" After my melt down, Niall and I draw on the mirror of what I see and what I really am; my size has slowly been getting smaller, so I felt it was an okay to joke about it. "did you guys eat?" I asked Niall putting my arm around his shoulder. "No, we were waiting for you guys."

"Hailey is leaving tonight to make it home for her moms surgery tomorrow, so it will just be us three for dinner." He stood and gave me a kiss "alright, you can get Audrey in her Pj's and I'll start dinner," he walked out the door but I stopped him, "I'll make dinner tonight,"

I switched places with him and went into the kitchen, I pulled out some noodles and boiled some water, I was making chicken alfredo for Niall and I and just noodles for Audrey. Hailey came in with her bags, "alright I'm out of here"

I walked over and gave her a hug, "keep me updated alright? I don't care what Taylor says, I'm going to be here for you." She nodded and headed out "Love you B!"

"Love you too H! good luck!"

I turned around to finish up the meal "Niall! Dinner is ready!" Audrey came running down the stairs in her footie pajamas, Niall wore ones that were matching, they're pure dorks... sad part was I had those ones too. I pulled out my phone, "say cheese Audrey" she smiled and Niall did too, "cchheeeessesee" I took the picture, and sent it to Taylor, "Audrey is slowly corrupting Niall" I put my phone down and served Audrey, "promise me you'll keep this all on your plate?"

"maybe!" I laughed at her remark and sat down with my plate, for once I was actually hungry and I felt okay eating. I got a notification on my phone that Taylor mentioned me in a tweet, the texts I get from my daughter... It was a screenshot of my text to her and her response 'this is sad'. I laughed and showed Niall. He sat down across from me and we ate in somewhat of silence, other than Audrey making noise with her noodles and pounding the high chair table. Once we were done Niall told me how proud he was that I ate my whole plate and he said he was making me desert, I overly full but I knew I needed to, so I agreed. I went up to put a pull-up on Audrey and read her a book before I put her down. I walked back downstairs and Niall was finishing cleaning up, "we need excitement in our lives, it's like were already a married couple." I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

He turned around to face me, "what do you want to do?"

"well not right now... we have a kid to look after, but let's just be a teenage couple in love," I had my head on his chest and he took a deep breath, "you're the only teenager in the house Bridg,"

I laughed remembering we were two years apart, he was almost 22, "fine, a young couple in love, you're still pretty young babe," we were holding each other and I was looking up at him, "let's go on a road trip... up to Michigan!!"

He rolled his eyes, "what's wrong with that?!"

"I don't know... just being in a car for that long seems boring,"

I pulled away and sighed "fine, let's just be an old boring couple that don't do shit!" I had a sarcastic tone to my voice, and walked away to the living room. Harry and Taylor came in laughing, they were a little intoxicated... "hellllooo" Harry yelled at us, stumbling in. Niall came over by the couch handing me a water and he asked me to open his beer off of my ring... I learned how to do that at a club... Taylor came over and sat next to me, "thanks for watching Audrey tonight, I love your PJ's" she was thanking Niall since I didn't fully watch her. He nodded and laughed. That's when Niall and Harry's phone both rang, "Paul." They said in unison while looking at the screen, Niall went downstairs and Harry stayed here so their voice didn't overlap.

"Hey Pauly! Ahh!!" and he started laughing, then mumbling some "whatcha callin for?!....... no way.... Niall are you hearing this! No this is awesome!... yeah we'll tell them... they'll be fine... sweet, yeah just email us the dates."

They'll be fine? Who? Taylor and I? what will we be fine about? Niall ran up the stairs and jumped in Harry's arms "WERE GOING ON TOUR!!" they spun each other around like two gay boys celebrating.

"TOUR?!" Taylor and I stood up simultaneously

Moments (Sequel to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now