Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

We drove to the Zoo and met up with everyone. Audrey was in a little stroller where Taylor was pushing her; she already had a hat and balloon. "hey guys!" they waved us over and we walked to them, "how'd everything go?" Andrea was checking up on me, every time I come back from therapy we sit down and talk about everything I went over. Andrea and I got really close over the three weeks and I feel really comfortable about telling her stuff. "good! Niall and I talked everything out, I talked about the concert and I felt better."

My explanation was cut short when Taylor came over and gave me a hug, she whispered into my ear, "you know the walls are paper thin right?" she pulled away and smiled at me, I laughed and blushed. "I'm sorry... but mom why did you have condoms in your nightstand?" she laughed "you'llll never knowwwww"

She ran away and went over to Harry; I laughed and rolled my eyes. Niall walked over and laced his hand in mine, "Taylor knows babe" he chuckled "I know, so does Harry, they didn't sleep all night." My face got really red, "it's okay babe, I use us walking in on them the first time and hearing them, against Harry." He tried to make me laugh but I was still worried.

We walked around and Audrey would point at every animal and tell us what it was. We sat down for a show with the dolphins and Niall placed his hand on my inner thigh, "are you gonna come home with us tonight?"

I thought for a moment, I have two more days of class and then it was summer "I don't know if Taylor wants me home just yet."

"if she did would you?"

"I don't know... I'm enjoying myself here, and don't get mad but there is a party Hailey is having for the end of the year and she wanted me to go." He put his head down "but hey, how about you stay a little longer, and then when the year is done you come to the party with me and we head home together?"

He sat and thought for a little but, "how about I think about it?"

"sounds perfect,"

After the zoo we headed home, Harry put Audrey down for a nap, and then Harry and Niall went out; we don't know what they did but they needed their guy time. Taylor came over and sat on the couch with me, "can we talk?"

"I haven't been amazing with doing that but I can try yeah." I smiled at her, and she looked at me with soft eyes, "well, my mom let me know that there is a party at Hailey's..." she took a small pause "I know she said that you can go, and I think it's okay that you go. I just really, really, really hope that you don't drink Bridget. I would like you to come home afterword."

I sat and thought for a moment, "I promise I won't drink, and I would love to come home."

"I trust you now Bridget, please don't break it." I nodded and she smiled. She grabbed me and pulled me into a hug.

H- Get ready to party bitch,

B- hahah Hailey I told you I'm not drinking tonight,

H- Fine. Be that way, but come over a few minutes early? I want you to be the first one here. Is Niall coming?

B- yeah he's getting ready right now and then we will be on our way.

H- alright, love you baby girl

B- Love you too

I hung up the phone and walked into the bathroom; Niall was still showering but I had to put my makeup on, "babe can you hand me the towel?" Niall turned off the shower and reached his hand out, I handed him the towel and he got out. "wow you look amazing," I was just wearing tight jeans and a fitting shirt with a leather jacket on, with my hair curled.

Niall walked out and put on his white Nikes, with black jeans and loose tank-top, he finished his look with a batman snapback. I put on Taylor's red oxfords and we walked out.

"AHHH MY ANXIETY IS OUT OF THE ROOF BRIDGET HELP ME" I laughed as Hailey ran out the door to us, "what if the drinks aren't good enough, what if they don't like the music?"

It was Hailey's first party, and as much as we loved going to them, she didn't know how to throw one. We followed her into the door "here let me help," Niall walked over to her stereo system and plugged in his phone, the first song was one of his; Rock Me. Hailey took a deep breath and smiled, people started to flood in, excited and already drunk. "what can I get you to drink Hailey?" I asked her trying to calm her nerves, "a body shot off you." She gave me a wink, I laughed. We had a really weird sexual relationship and I loved it. I lifted up my shirt "when you're ready"

"come and get it!" she finished my sentence singing, I laughed and Niall actually did too. Niall and I walked outside where a pool and cabana was. Girls were on top of guys in the pool playing chicken, Hailey came up with three red solo cups "one for Niall, one for me, and water for you" she handed all of our cups and I laughed "thanks"

The party was really going and it was packed; you couldn't even walk without losing someone. Somehow Niall and I ended up by the pool, we were dancing on each other when Hailey came running over completely plastered. She was yelling something but I couldn't make out what it was until she was closer "Wet T-shirt contest!! Bridget you're first!" she ran over and pushed me into the pool; thank god for my cat like reflexes, I grabbed her and pulled her into the pool with me. She came up laughing and I splashed her, "damn it Hailey I looked good before this!" I was trying hard to tread water and laugh. Niall stuck his hands out and Hailey and I gave each other a look, we grabbed his arm and pulled him in too. "I hate both of you!" Hailey and I laughed and high fived, we all swam over to the stairs. I took off my jacket since it was weighing me down, "And Bridget is the winner," Niall whisper yelled at me; he pulled me in closer for a kiss. "alright you two break it up," Hailey smiled and handed us towels, Niall wrapped a towel around me, then he fixed my makeup for me. "always keep me truly, madly, deeply in love with you."

I giggled at his cheesiness "okay, you've had enough to drink"

It was about one when we decided to head home, "Hailey were heading out"

"uh noooo who am I going to make out with at the end of the night?" she gave me a little punch and I smirked. We walked over and put a CD in so we could take Niall's phone. "hand over the keys mister" I put my hand out and he put the keys in it.

Once we got home I went into the kitchen to grab a water for Niall, Andrea was standing there, "hey welcome back guys. How are you feeling?"

"not bad, just really tired. I was just grabbing a drink for Niall."

She smiled at me "I'm proud of you Bridg." I smiled back and gave her a hug.

We were finally packing up all of my stuff, Niall was packing up Andrea's car. She was taking us back since Taylor and Harry left a few days ago.

The drive seemed to go quick, we talked about everything and anything, we laughed and joked. We were finally pulling into the house that I have so longly missed.

"welcome home Bridg!"

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