Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

I got up around ten, I took a shower and got ready for school, I didn't try to dress up at all; put up my hair in bun and just wore leggings with a blouse. I was done around eleven and walked down stairs to see Andrea had lunch ready for me, "I'm sorry, I'm not very hungry right now," she laughed a little, "oh come on, it's my famous mac and cheese, just try a small bite."

I smiled at her and took a bite, it was really good. I sat down and started eating more, she chuckled "that's what I thought," I smiled at her and pretty much ate the whole thing. We got in the car and headed to class. I walked over to Hailey and sat next to her, "dude why haven't you answered my texts? Did you fall of the face of the earth or something?"

"No, Taylor shipped me to her mom's house and Andrea took it. I'm pretty much on lock down." She laughed at me "lock down?? You're nineteen, this is what nineteen year olds do! We make out with each other's friends."

I laughed "that's not what Niall things"

She looked over at me "is he mad?" I nodded at her "he didn't say anything before I left, other than he doesn't find that side of me attractive anymore." She sat there in shock but then the class started.

We walked out of class walking over to choir, when I saw Andrea walking over me "hey Bridget!" she was waving at me, "god what does she want," I mumbled to Hailey, "hey sorry, Scotts car broke down, I have to pick him up and take it to the shop can you find a ride home?" I looked over at Hailey and she nodded

"yeah Hailey will take me home,"

Andrea looked at me, "the one you were with two nights ago?"

"Were not really like that Andrea," Hailey looked over at me, she didn't know Taylor and everyone knew what we did. She took a moment before responding, "uh okay, I trust you. This time, only because I'm in a rush. Bye" she walked to her car and Hailey hit me, "ow?!"

"How'd they find out?!?"

"Someone sent pictures to Niall, they also found a joint in my purse. I don't even remember smoking."

"yeah, you and me went out with Stoner Brad and had one. You put it in your purse cause you wanted it as a 'memento' or something like that. You were soooo fucked up."

I laughed and we walked into class. We rehearsed for our concert in three weeks, and then Hailey and I walked to her car. I told her where the house was and she dropped me off, "wanna come in for a little?"

"I'm not gonna be called a lesbian if I do am I?"I chuckled at her response, "no you won't, just don't make out with me." She laughed and followed me in, I showed her Taylor's room, well I guess my room now. "wow, lots of Taylor in here eh?" I laughed "yeah, it's kind of weird... everything still smells like her... makes me miss all of them even more." Hailey wrapped me in a hug, "I'm so sorry Bridg,"

"mhhm" Andrea cleared her throat and she was standing in the door way. Hailey broke from the hug, "I should get going,"

"yeah, probably." Well she told her straight up didn't she? Rude. Hailey walked out the bedroom door and Andrea walked and sat on the bed, "I want to trust you, so much. I know how you're feeling ins--"

"No Andrea, I'm sorry but you don't know what I'm feeling. You didn't get thrown out by your own mother did you? You didn't disappoint your whole family in one night; you didn't screw up your whole relationship with a perfect boyfriend because you thought that a dare would be funny. No you didn't and you don't know what I'm going through, you don't understand how much it hurts me to watch my mom, dad, boyfriend and little sister all give up on me." I sat down next to her and she put her hand on my back. I sat and cried for a while, and she just let me. I just sat and vented everything to her, "I just don't want to turn out like my birth mom."

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