Chapter 42

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Chapter 42


I ran over, he dropped his bags and I jumped on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walked into the door spinning me around. "oh Bridget, I've missed you so much." I felt warm tears fall down my cheeks as he held me tight. "Happy birthday" he put me down and whipped my face, then going down to his backpack. He pulled out a torn up, dirty teddy bear. The bear my dad gave me for my fifth birthday. "I've carried it with me every day since I left. I think it's time to give it back"

"you mean...?"

"yep, I'm officially done." I smiled and gave him another tight hug. I pulled away and he gave Taylor a hug, "it's great to see you again Liam"

"what's going on out here?" Niall walked over with food in his mouth, a suddenly swallowed it when he spotted Liam, "babe, this is my brother Liam" he whipped his palm on his jeans and shook his hand "it's a pleasure to meet you sir"

He chuckled "you can call me Liam" I rolled my eyes at his goofiness

"you're a lot..."


"hah yeah... bigger than I thought... I mean judging by Bridget's size, I imagined someone 5'10." I laughed, Liam was probably 6'5 and really buff, I was maybe 5'5 and skinny, very little muscle on me, other than my legs from basketball. I realized he was still in our doorway, "Please, come in! we were just having dinner, come and join us." He nodded and we walked back in. Harry got up, walking over to him; he also shook his hand greeting him. We sat down and continued eating, Taylor slid my pill over at me, I took it quickly so Liam couldn't see it... I didn't want to explain and tell him everything.

Taylor got up and grabbed the birthday cake, turning off the lights and starting to sing. I put my head down in embarrassment, like my parents think they know how to sing... sarcasm intended.

I made my wish that I would feel better soon, and then blew out the candles. Everyone clapped and then Taylor cut the cake, "so Bridg, I was wondering... I'm heading to Michigan tomorrow... mind coming with me? Come visit aunt Barb, Kerry, Tommy and Joe?" Liam asked me while eating the cake.

I had to think for a while, also looking at Taylor for permission, "Everyone can come as well obviously"

"well Niall and Harry leave tomorrow morning to go back on tour... so it would just be Taylor and Audrey coming along..."

"That would be okay..." he smiled at me and I looked back at Taylor and she nodded, "I would love to see them again." Niall gave me a squeeze on the leg for excitement for me.

I smiled at Liam, he opened his mouth again to speak again, "I also wanted to talk to you about visiting dad there... its almost been ten years."

"wow. Ten years, time really flies doesn't it?"

"Bridget don't do this"

After my father died we went to his funeral, but I wasn't able to make it to the burial because I was too devastated. Liam took me back home and tucked me in; he played with my hair until I fell asleep. That's how I got addicted to that feeling, was from whenever I needed to calm down or stop crying, he would lay beside me and play with it until I fluttered my eyes shut. But anyway I never visited my father's grave because I was always too scared. Liam knew how much it hurt me to even think about going there.

"yeah, you know we should also visit mom...because she's here too. You know in Nashville state penitentiary. I know you'd love to see her too." Liam hated visited my mom as much as I hated to visit my dad. Don't get me wrong, I loved my dad, very much. I just hated knowing that he really is gone, and in the ground. "you're not funny."

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