Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Taylor and Harry got up and walked into their room; I'm assuming to discuss what I just asked them. "I thought we were going to talk about it first..." Niall asked me sheepishly

"yeah we were but I thought it would be a good time to ask her anyway..." He looked back over at me and nodded. After about ten more minutes of Taylor and Harry in their room, they finally came out and sat next to me.

"well, we seem to be at differences here... I personally don't want you to go, you're not ready. But Harry, wants you to go..." Taylor told me and then sat there for a moment.

"I want you to go because one it's an opportunity to meet Niall's parents and I think that is something you do need to do. And two Ireland is beautiful; I want you to experience something like that." Harry explained to me, and then Taylor spoke up, "I don't want you to go because I don't trust you just yet and having you half way around the world without me, scares the living crap out of me."

I put my head down knowing what she meant, and I had a feeling what the answer was; I suddenly became shut down and Harry noticed it. "but, I'm thankful that it is finally my turn to make the decisions..." I looked up to see Harry talking and Niall squeezed my leg, "and, I say that you can go..." I looked at Niall and he gave me a huge hug, "but..." we broke to look at him again "promise me that I didn't fight with Taylor for it to go all down the drain."

"I promise, I sooo promise. Thank you so much dad" I got up and gave him a hug and then Taylor. Audrey sat there in confusion, but I didn't care to explain it to her just yet.

The week passed quickly while Niall would fill me in about his family, what everyone was like, how everyone acted and what to expect. We were sitting in the car in his driveway; he grabbed my hand "you ready?"

"uhh not really.... I'm really nervous..."

"why?" he looked over at me "you shouldn't be babe" he leaned over and gave me a kiss, "other than the fact that you're the first girl I've ever taken home."

I rolled my eyes "Niall you actually calmed me at first! Now you just ruined it." He chuckled, got out of the car to the other side and opened the door for me. I saw the front door open and his mom was flailing her arms "oh Niall my baby is home," I laughed and we walked up the steps. She grabbed him and held him in a really long embrace practaclly crying in his chest, then she pulled away and kissed his cheek, forehead, nose and he pulled away "mom, that's enough." He chuckled and blushed "this is-"

"Bridget! Oh my gosh I have heard so many amazing things about you!" I took my sunglasses off and gave her a hug, she pulled away "and those eyes! Oh my, Niall told me about those amazing eyes, so blue!" I laughed and we walked in, Niall walked up to his brother and they did the manly scream including a handshake hug. Then he walked over to Gregs soon to be wife and gave her a gentle hug. The room filled with 'I miss yous and welcome homes' Niall finally snapped into reality to now introduce me to them, "wow! We're you paid to go out with my brother?! You're beautiful" Greg shook my hand and then pulled me into a hug, I blushed and Niall defended himself since I wasn't going to do it, "hey I'm not that bad looking!"

His dad walked down the stairs "do I hear my baby boy in the house!" we were at his mom's house, but his father was staying there just for the sake of the wedding.

"I'm home pop!" Niall ran up to him they laughed into a large hug. He turned around to introduce me once more, another complement like 'how was Niall lucky enough to have a beautiful girl like you'

"Niall how about you and me go out for golf tomorrow? Bridget do you golf?" he looked over Niall's shoulder to me

"uh no I don't..."

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