Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Today was the day of the trial; they had enough evidence to charge her with third degree murder, tonight was also the party with my friends from college, and I decided to go because at the end of the day I'm going to need a drink.

"you ready babe?" I was looking in the mirror as Niall approached me and put his hands around my waist, "I guess... you can't really be ready for finding out whether your mother killed your father or not... but yeah clothing wise I'm ready" he laughed at my sarcasm. Taylor and him were joining me while Harry watched Audrey.

The car ride was silent as we drove to the court house; I was just looking out the window. It was only a five minute drive. Once we got there I zoned out until I was called to the stand and took my oath. (a=attorney, b=Bridget)
A-how old were you when your father died
B- "ten"
A- "and how old are you now?"
B- "Nineteen"
A- "do you remember that night?"
B- "as clear as day mam'"
A- "care to explain what you thought that night consisted of?"
B- "my brother, Liam and I were playing a board game. It was about seven when my mom went outside to have a smoke..."
A- "is that normal for your mother to go out?"
B- "yeah, it would always be right after dinner, she would clean up and then go outside while me and Liam played,"
A- "and your father was?"
B- "he never normally ate with us, he would always be at work until eight so we would just heat up left-overs. So at the time we thought he was at work. That's until my mom called and told him to get some milk on the way home, but he never came home."
A- "how long was your mothers smoke?"
B- "uh now that I think about it... longer than normal."
A- "how far was the convenient store from your house?"
B- "I don't know... maybe a five minute walk, one minute drive."
A- "estimation, how long do you think her smoke was?"
B- "estimation? About twenty minutes, because Liam was getting me ready for bed by the time she came in."

She turned away from my stand and walked over to the jury "plenty of time to go to the store, stab her husband and come home." I looked over at my mom and her head was down in shame. From that look I knew that it was her; we were the same when it came to having guilt, we play with the bottom of the shirt with one thumb while the other stroked the leg. And she was doing the exact same thing
A- "did your mom ever get along with your father? Were there ever fights in the house. Physical or oral?"
B- "my father was never a physical man, if there were a bug in the house he would always capture it and release it outside. He never put a hand on my mom; but they did get in fights. It would normally be because my mom was high and my dad didn't want her around us. Or my mom would yell at him for being out of the house. Honestly, they stayed together because of my brother and me. They never slept in the same bed."
A- "Thank you Bridget, you can sit down now."

I walked over to our seat and Niall put his hand on my thigh "you okay?" I was a little shaken up a little but I just nodded and smiled at him. The trial last about twenty minutes until the jury left to figure out the conviction. I looked over at her and she was talking to her lawyer, but I'm guessing that is her boyfriend too and then got up. The security guards got up "I just want to see my daughter!!" she screamed at them and my eyes shot open. Niall got up with me and we walked over, I grabbed his hand for comfort.

We walked over to her table and she pulled me in close, "Bridget, I'm so sorry" my mom whispered to me, I pulled away confused in a way but the judge came in before I could say anything. We had to walk back to our seats "jury, please give us your conclusion,"

One of the guys stood up from the box holding a piece of paper, "We find the defendant Lori B. Scott..." he sat there for a moment, "guilty for the murder of Robert J. Scott"

My heart immediately dropped and so did my head into my hands, Taylor reached over to hug me and so did Niall but it didn't comfort me. They were taking her away; she got 25 to life. She was fighting the cops and yelling at me "I'm so sorry Bridg, I'm sorry!" she just kept yelling that at me. I put my hands over my ears squeezing my eyes shut trying to drown out her voice, Taylor lifted me up holding me while I stayed in the position "come on Bridg, let's get you out of here." They directed me to the car and Niall lifted me into it. I sat looking out the window, I was in shock and I didn't feel like moving. Niall opened the car door "Bridg, honey were home come inside." I waved him away and sat in the car, staring at nothing. After all these years, after asking myself 'who would hate my dad enough to kill him' well my mother, what aggravated her? What was her last straw? What was his last words to her? Did he get to say anything? Apparently hours past when Niall came back out to the car, "Bridget dinner is ready, come inside." He put his hand out and I grabbed it. We walked into the house and sat down at the table.

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