Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

I headed back up the stairs to see a guy standing in our doorway, he was really tall, probably 6'5, with shaggy brown hair, and muscular. "hi! I'm your neighbor....Aaron" I shook and hand and looked at Hailey, "no I'm not the weird one, I met him too..."

I laughed "well I'm-"

"Bridget Swift... I know" he smiled at me and I smiled back, "and I know you're dating Niall, I promise I won't make any moves on you" he chuckled and we both walked into the door. He went and sat on the couch and I got a phone call from Niall, "hey guy's I'll be right back"

I went into my room and sat on the bed, "hey there cutie"

N- Hi beautiful, I miss you already. How's the apartment?

B- It's nice, very quaint. We just met our neighbor, his name is Aaron

N- His?

B- yeah, he's a boy... he's tall, and he's very attractive. I might have to leave you for him. I think I might really like this guy.

N- funny joke Bridg

I laughed

B- he knows I'm dating you, he promised he wouldn't make any moves.

We talked for a little longer until he had to leave for the concert. I walked back out into the living room to see Corey now here and Aaron, Hailey and him were sitting on the couch. "hey Bridg there's a party on Frat row tonight, want to go? It's a welcome back, Aaron got invited." Hailey asked me as I sat next to her.

"uh sure, I'm not going to drink though...."

"yeah we know, you and your buzzkill mother." She gave me a small push making me laugh, "let me go get ready" I got back up and but a beanie on since my hair looked horrible, and then a nicer shirt on. Putting some perfume on so I didn't have to shower.

"looking good B" Hailey smacked my ass while we walked out the door, "thanks". We walked down fraternity row, party after party was going but we stopped in front of delta kappa, "here we are!" Aaron put his arms up showing us the right house, Corey and Hailey went in over to the bar and I grabbed a water bottle, Aaron went and talked with friends, what he explained on the way over is that he wasn't much of a drinker either.

Being a part of the party for a while, sitting in the corner; I decided to head out and get some fresh air. I went over and sat on the bench to the right of the house, kids were running around in boxers, or bras and thongs, some throwing shit at each other. All in all it was a full flow party; I pulled out my phone and texted Taylor

To Momma Swift: I am at a party tonight, but I'm not drinking. I'm telling you just so you hear it from me and not the public

She texted back almost immediately From Momma Swift: Good to hear, have a good night.

I put my phone away and watched the drunk people, putting my knees to my chest. "it's pretty entertaining watching from outside huh?"

I looked up and saw Aaron standing above me, I laughed and nodded. He sat down next to me and pulled out a cigarette, "do you mind?" I shook my head and he lit it; taking a puff.

"So what does the media not know about Bridget Swift?" he smiled at me and handed the cigarette, I grabbed it and took a puff, blowing it out I responded "hmm... that is a great question." I handed back the cigarette back to him and he just sat "they don't know that I have had sex with ten guys, and no STD's"

He laughed and handed me the smoke again, he went back and forth with it until it was gone, "that should be on a plaque, Ms. Swift. Pretty impressive."

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