Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

I wipped off my cheeks and placed the flowers down in the snow. I came to say hello and goodbye and it was bitter sweet; I know my dad is looking down on me and smiling but I don't want him gone. I composed myself somewhat quickly and headed back to the car, getting in the passenger seat. Liam and Taylor didn't say anything; Liam just put the car in drive and pulled away. I kept my eye gaze out the window, not wanting to talk or look at anyone. The only noise that was in the car was the game Audrey was playing on Taylor's phone; I assumed she did it to refrain her from asking questions; which I didn't mind.

"Where are you going? You were supposed to take a right there..."

He didn't respond, just continued to drive. The area started to become more familiar as we pulled off the highway, the small town right off highway 131, 'welcome to Sparta.' The small town just north of Grand Rapids; where Taylor first found me "no, Liam no. I'm not coming back here" he once again ignored me and took a left; a left into hell.

The dirt road became bumpy under the car and a sick feeling in my stomach came back to me. Broken windows and graffiti skewed across the house, window panes hanging by a hair, the front door hanging by the last screw. Just the way I left it.

"who did this to our house?" Liam quickly got out of the car, expecting the damage.

"I did... right before I left" I walked over with him; Taylor followed close behind. I'm surprised no one has touched it since, I mean the neighborhood was run down and not many people lived here anymore... but for no one to come and tear it apart was shocking. Well it was pretty damaged after I left it.

He quickly looked at me with pain in his eyes, "why! This was our home Bridget"

"WAS Liam, before dad left it, before you left it, and before mom left. It used to be our house, its nothing anymore." I snapped at him and he walked over to the door. He pushed with full force until the door flew open. It was torn apart; clothes were spread all over, glass was shattered on the floor, the drapes were flowing in the wind. Liam looked around and took in the damage, Taylor grabbed my arm in comfort but it really just made me jump. She had Audrey in her arms, and didn't want to put her down due to all the glass.

He looked back at me somewhat mad and I didn't understand why, he hated this place just as much as I did. He lived in our living room because the house was so damn small; my apartment seemed bigger than this.

"where's your bedroom Bridg?" Taylor looked over at me and asked

"you won't want to go in there"

She started to walk around until she found the door with my name on it, I had colored a piece of paper and duct taped it to my door; at five years of age I thought it was pretty cool, fifteen years later you realize how dumb it actually was. Liam took Audrey as Taylor pushed the door open, "no mom seriously don't"

She instantly put her hand to her face in awe; I followed behind her, taking in my old room. Three Taylor Swift posters hung over the walls; I had stolen them from the music down the road. I had two pictures framed of my aunt Barb and me at her concert on my desk. And then being the ten year old I was, I framed the piece of confetti I got from the ground; call me weird but I loved that piece of confetti as much as I loved my life at that time. My middle school basketball sat on the dresser with my jersey next to it. Taylor walked over to my mirror that had a list of goals

"Goals before I die: 1. Be a better person 2. Get rich and buy my dad a better home 3. Leave my mom 4. Meet Taylor Swift. Aw Bridget..." she looked over at me and smiled

"that one was a stretch..."

She let out a half laugh and hugged me, quickly pulling away and grabbing something on my floor "I spy with my little eye baby Bridget's diary"

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