Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

Taylor's POV

We were sitting in the car, waiting to walk into the office, Harry and Niall joined us while Liz watched Audrey. Thanksgiving was yesterday, Ed came and joined us with his girlfriend and then my mom and dad joined us for dinner. It was a great day of laughs and smiles. No one got into a fight, and no one cried and surprisingly Audrey didn't run into anything or throw her food everywhere. It was a great time with everyone.

Someone had tipped off the press that we were here and the paps were surrounding our car, Harry was in the driver's seat; he looked over at me, "I don't want to put her through this" he whispered it to me but it didn't work because Bridget obviously heard, Niall grabbed her hand. "you can do this babe." She shook her head, "I can't" he leaned over and whispered something in her ear, I don't know what it was but he was able to sway her. Harry, Niall and I got out of the car; I opened the car door for her and she looked at me, I read her facial expressions 'don't make me do this'. I felt horrible but I knew it's what she needed. She grabbed my hand and I helped her out of the car, she laced her arm in mine, putting her head close to my chest, trying to hide her face.

They yelled things at her as Harry pushed his way to the door, "hello, welcome to Vanderbilt Sleep Center, how can I help you?"

"uh, we have an appointment for Bridget Swift." Harry told her, "perfect, I'll let Dr. Teller know, you can have seat over there." She pointed towards to seating area and Niall took Bridget over and he grabbed her hand as she put her head on his shoulder. Harry and I sat on the other side of the room; it was silent as Harry rubbed circles on my back. "Bridget Swift." The nurse came out with a clipboard, which I don't know why she asked for her name, we were the only ones in the room... she got up walking over, "we need to have a parent in the room with you as we ask questions."

Bridget nodded, looking over at me, I got up from the chair walking to the nurse, "okay, come on back..." she led her way to one of the rooms in the back, "I'm going to be your nurse for the day, I'm Tiffany..." she shook Bridget's hand and then mine, "I'm Taylor."

"it's a pleasure Mrs. Swift." She sat down and wrote stuff on the clipboard as Bridget and I took a seat, "I'm going to get Doctor Teller and the physiologist and I will be right back." She walked out the door and Bridget immediately looked over at me.

"Physiologist?! Mom, I'm not crazy!"

"they probably need her to tie the dreams with life... I don't know" I shrugged, really not knowing why they needed one. We heard a knock on the door and two doctors came in shaking out hands and introducing each other, the physiologists name was really long and weird and I would assume Dutch, so I didn't retain it to memory.

"Tell me Bridget, why are you here today?"

"because my mom made me." She said in a monotone voice

"she hasn't been sleeping," I answered for her and she gave me a dirty look, what? It was going to come out whether she said it or I did

"and what do we think the cause is?"

"I'm not sure... that's why we're here...?" she left it as a question, hoping the doctor would answer it

"what does you dream normally consist of?"

"long story short, my boyfriend cheats on me and I die of a broken heart."

"has he ever cheated on you?"

She shook her head in response, "then why do you think it will happen" she then shrugged

"how long has it been going on?" she asked scribbling on her pad of paper "I don't know... maybe two months..."

"Two months?!" I interrupted in shock and the doctors looked at me "sorry... carry on."

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