Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

**Niall's POV**

Bridget was restless the whole night, tossing and turning and then sighing when she wouldn't fall asleep. A few pain groans came from her but every time I tried to hold her but she would move away.

Taylor came into our room "hey guys breakfast is ready, come on up." Her voice was soft, I looked up at her and nodded

Bridget moaned "I'm not hungry."

I shook her a little "come on Bridg you have to eat,"

"No, my stomach hurts badly." She had her head in her pillow making her voice muffled.

"come on up anyway babe" I picked her up bridal style and she batted at me.

"Niall stop I'm not hungry. Put me down" she was stern but by the time she got out what she said we were upstairs. "Niall put me back in bed. I don't feel good." I laid her on the couch and she curled up in a ball holding her stomach.

Taylor came in the room and crouched down next to her, "what's going on? Are you okay?"

"My stomach hurts, its sharp pains" her eyes were still closed, she looked in pain, "I ate too much last night,"

Taylor laughed a little "I have never heard that from your mouth Bridg, it's pretty funny." A small curl appeared on her lips. Taylor got back into the kitchen and Bridget closed her eyes again. I got up to get breakfast.

"Hi Niall!" Audrey was strapped into her high-chair and was wide awake.

"Hi Audrey, how are you today?"

"What's wrong with Bwidg?" she couldn't say Bridget's name right and it made me smile every time,

"She's just really tired"

"Well if she's not eating. Then I don't want to eat," Taylor walked over giving her the spoon she dropped on the floor.

"No Audrey you're eating. Stop throwing your spoon on the floor"

She threw her spoon again, "I don't want to eat" I tried not to smile knowing that it provokes the kids to do more.

Taylor was getting really frustrated and Harry stepped in "Audrey, your sister isn't feeling well, she will eat when she does. Now it is your turn to eat, no if ands or buts." She pouted and took her spoon. Taylor thanked Harry and walked back into the living room with water for Bridget.

"Mommy's mean" Audrey told Harry as soon as Taylor was out of the room, Harry sat next to me at the table but was looking at Audrey.

"Don't say things you don't mean Audrey, mommy is smart and knows best. She's not mean" she nodded at him and continued eating. Harry was sitting across from me, "ugh mate I am so tired, Audrey woke up at two and it was my night to take care of it," he started whispering "I swear she NEVER wakes up when its Taylors night" I laughed and he rubbed his face.

"Well Bridget tossed and turned all night so I'm with ya lad." He laughed and poured more coffee in his cup. "When's the last time you and Taylor... you know..."

He looked up at me "had sex? Yeah not since Audrey was born" I lifted my eyebrows in shock

"Yeah I know, I mean we fool around once and a while. But we haven't had sex in two years. Two years Niall, two years." I could see his pain, well frustration in his eyes. "But I mean I understand, it's been tiring with her. Every time I want to Taylor's too tired and every time Taylor wants to I'm too tired."

"Sounds rough mate," I chuckled, it's been a while since Harry and I have sat down and talked together about guy stuff. We were able to have time together while on tour, we shared rooms together but once we got home and when I left for Ireland, our friendship started to fade.

But it got cut shortly when Taylor walked in "Bridget wants you," I went to get up, but looked back at Harry "Let me take Audrey out of the house, we can take her out to some overnight water park or something so you guys can have a night to yourself okay?"

Taylor looked over at him "Take him up on the offer!" she was smiling at him and Harry did, he nodded and we would talk about it more after I saw Bridget.

"hey babe, how you feeling?"

"Like absolute shit" I laughed and she smiled, her stomach was hurting too much to laugh.

"Still hot." I chuckle. She did look bad, pale face and cold sweats but no matter what Bridget looks like, she is still hot to me.

"Oh shut up I know I don't look good" I went over and sat next to her but on the floor. We just sat next to each other for a moment when I got up and ran to the kitchen and grabbed a bucket. I walked back in "what are you doing?"

"a bucket for if you need to throw up" I placed it under her and closed her eyes again.

"Thank you" I sat next to her for a while with the T.V on low, when she woke from her sleep and threw up into the bucket, I pushed her hair behind her ear. "I'm sorry," she was quiet. I got up and grabbed some crackers and warm sprite to settle her stomach

"How is she?" Taylor was coloring with Audrey at the table, "she threw up, but I think it's helping her"

"Ginger-ale actually works better" she pointed to the fridge "thanks,"

"Do you want me to sit with her for a while and you can take a nap? Harry told me you didn't sleep well. Audrey is going for a nap soon so I can watch Bridg." I took her up on the offer, I was exhausted.

"I can put Audrey down if you want," she nodded and I picked Audrey up and took her to her room. I placed her in her crib.

"Niall, is Bwidg going to be okay?"

"of course she is, she just has a stomach bug,"

"There's a bug in her tummy?" I laughed not thinking about my word placement.

"no, like she doesn't feel good that's all" she just said 'oh' and laid down in her crib. I went downstairs into our bedroom and fell asleep myself. I slept for about another hour when I decided to head back upstairs. Bridget was now sitting up and eating, I went up to kiss her and she pulled away "don't kiss me I've been throwing up,"

"Babe my mouth has been in worse places," I winked at her and she rolled her eyes, still not letting me kiss her. Audrey was just getting up from her nap too and it was about 4:30. I sat next to Bridget on the couch and she put her head on my chest. "oh tomorrow if you feel better were taking Audrey to the indoor water place/hotel and spend the night so Harry and Taylor can have a night by themselves." She groaned but agreed.

"Alright come on lets go get you some food before your stomach shrinks again" I got up and headed to the kitchen when Taylor came out.

"Already ahead of you," she came out with a plate of waffles.

"uhhh guys I can't eat anything"

Taylor laughed "don't care, you haven't thrown up for a while now so you're eating"

She rolled her eyes and grabbed the plate, she ate as much as she could before she was feeling nauseous again. It was about ten by the time we were ready to go to bed. She didn't throw up at all anymore so I assume she was feeling better, "your color is back in your face"

"Good cause I hate looking pale" she laughed and got into bed. I put a bucket on her side of the bed just in case she needed to again. She turned on her side and I moved towards her and put my arm around her waist rubbing her tummy. She turned her head towards me and kissed me, "I love you"

"I love you too Bridg, but brush your teeth next time," she laughed "I did brushed my teeth ya asshole" we laughed and fell asleep, getting ready for out long day tomorrow.

Moments (Sequel to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now