Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I woke up to the sound of an air horn rattling through my brain "wake up." I turned over in the bed to see Taylor holding the air horn up, "now"

"you enjoy this don't you?" she gave me a smirk and nodded. She blew the horn again I shoved my head in the pillow "oh my god stop!!" my head was throbbing and my throat was dry, "it's noon. I'll meet you downstairs, if you're not down in five minutes I'm coming back up." She put the horn down and walked out. It took me a few minutes to get up and I splashed my face with cold water trying to somewhat get over this horrible hangover.

Taylor came back in the room putting the air horn up "I'm awake! Don't, please don't, I beg of you" she put it down and walked out, I followed. She walked pass the living room where Audrey was watching T.V. and then we walked into the kitchen. Niall was sitting with his head down, Harry was also sitting with stiff features; I looked on the table, my phone, Niall phone's and my purse. Taylor sat down next to Harry and I sat next to Niall, he moved a little bit away from me...Cold.

"what's all of this?" I was pointing at the things on the table,

"do you remember last night?" Harry asked me, I sat and thought for a moment, "I remember up to when we arrived."

Taylor took a deep breath and picked up Niall's phone, "Niall got a text from someone this morning," it was a picture and when Taylor clicked on it, it was me on top of Hailey with my tongue basically down her throat, I smiled laughing at my dumb actions.

Niall looked up at me "it's not funny Bridget," His features were soft, he was guarded and broken, "Niall, I didn't mean it. It's just a girl, she's my best friend Niall. I'm not gay..."

"I couldn't care less about if she's your best friend or not, you kissed another person. No you stuck your tongue in someone else's mouth." He was mad and had tears in his eyes.

"Bridget, you're not you when you're drunk, and I'm sick and tired being there for you, making sure that you're okay. Calling you over and over, and then acting like I'm okay when I see pictures like this!" he was getting really mad and his face was red.

"Niall I'm sorry! I-I don't know I do these things!"

"just stop trying to defend yourself" I looked over at him and he didn't make eye contact with me, I don't think he could.

Taylor picked up my purse, "we found this in your purse,"

She pulled out a half smoked joint. I put my head in my hands on the table, "fuck."

"care to explain this to us?" Taylor was holding the joint up, "uh I don't know, I don't remember Taylor."

I was rubbing my head, trying to remember what happened last night and I really couldn't remember at all. I wouldn't doubt myself if I did have a smoke. "This morning I called my mom, she lives in Knoxville by the college campus." I lifted from my hands and looked up at Taylor.

"what are you saying?"

"I'm saying that you're moving out, You're going to live with my mom while you finish up your freshmen year and during the summer, until you can learn to take care of yourself, and learning how to control and talk about your feelings, not by acting out." I was in shock; Taylor had no emotion when telling me all of it, like she had no problem for shipping me away.

"no mom, no please don't, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I'm sorry." I begged her not to send me to Andrea's; I knew she was going to be hard on me. "please mom, I'm sorry,"

"You pack up and I will drive you today." She got up with harry and walked into the living room grabbing Audrey for lunch. Niall got up and walked away from me not saying a word "please Niall no, don't leave me" he just kept walking away. I sat at the table crying in my hands. Harry came in with Audrey and put her in her highchair, while he grabbed her food, "what's wrong Bwridg?" I looked up at her, "nothing Audrey."

Moments (Sequel to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now