Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Taylor and I were getting ready to head to L.A. for a girls weekend, Audrey was staying with Niall and Harry at home here. I packed my usual stuff, including Niall's sweatshirt. Taylor was packing up the car, it was Thursday and we were taking a plane ride tonight to get there Friday morning. Audrey was getting really sad, she was moping around for hours. I don't blame her; she's spending a weekend with two guys.

"You ready Bridg?" Taylor was extremely excited and I guess so was I it was really the first time we've hung out just us two since her and Harry got together. I miss Tay and Bridg time, "yep im ready!" we gave our hugs and goodbyes. Taylor picked up Audrey and gave her a kiss "goodbye baby girl" and Audrey started crying "don't leave me mommy"

"aww Audrey I'm coming back, I'm just going out with Bridg for the weekend"

"you'll come home?" she laughed, "Of course I will. I promise" Harry took her out of her hands and gave her another kiss, "bye babe,"

She smiled and we walked out, we got in the car and headed to the airport. We were sitting in the gate waiting for our flight to be called when three teenage girls came running over, "oh my god, you're like Taylor Swift, can we get a picture with you?" they were all screaming and jumping up and down and Taylor laughed and grabbed their phones, took the selfies with them. "thank you so much, oh my god. You saved my life, I love you. So much." One of the girls was holding her, and Taylor went into another hug. She let go of the Tay and ran to me, "and you, you saved my sisters life. She was addicted to drugs and was suicidal. When your story was broadcasted, we all saw and she got healthy, now she's married with two kids." I smiled, not knowing my story actually helped people, "thank you, I'm happy to hear she's healthy." She hugged me and took a picture with me too.

All the girls walked away and our plane was called. We got onto the plane and short ride there, we landed safely, "I didn't know you were still famous..." I turned to taylor and she laughed "I do still have singles out you know? I didn't just fall off the face of the earth." I chuckled, "oh right. I forgot about that..." she gave me a little punch and we got into our rental.

It was about midnight, so we got to our other house and settled in. Friday we had going to the beach and the carnival, Saturday we were going shopping and then she said Sunday she had a surprise for me.

"alright Bridg! Wake up, it's a new day, the sun is shining, the air is warm and we are ready to P-A-R-T-YYYY" she was singing while opening up the shades and windows "I've got paanncakeksss!" and she skipped out of the room, I could never be a morning person like her. I walked over to the kitchen and she was dancing around with her spatula in the air, dancing to Lights, I laughed "you're a dork" she came over and pulled me in, I started dancing.

"alright! Let's eat!" she put the pancakes on my plate and sat next to me. Her phone rang, it was Audrey and Harry saying 'I love you,' I unison. It was really cute, it was a Facetime from Harry "hey you three!" Audrey was on Harrys lap and Niall was next to them.

H-'hey girly! How's it going?'

T-'were good! Just sat for breakfast!'

N-'you look good!'

I laughed, N-' I was talking about Bridget, not you Tay....sorry that was awkward,'

Taylor and I both laughed and Harry hit Niall, 'dude that's my wife youre talking about. She's not awkward.' They started hitting each other while Audrey was playing with the buttons on the laptop,

T- 'boys! Haha c'mon stop fighting, we have to get going! We're going to the beach today!'

H-"have fun! But no picking up boys you hear me! You may be hot but you've got a daughter at home' we laughed

Moments (Sequel to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now