Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I walked down the stairs to my room to find it locked, "Niall please unlock the door,"

"Why don't you just ask James to do it for you?" His voice was cold, he sounded not pissed but heartbroken.

I took a deep breath, "I want to talk. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that to you. I was acting out on you and I shouldn't have. I'm sorry, babe please open up"

I heard the door click and slowly move open, "hi," I tried to make him smile with my awkwardness, and it somewhat worked.

I got a smirk out of him, "hi Bridg,"

"Can I come in?" he opened the door even more allowing me to step in; I walked over and sat on our bed. I patted the spot next to me and he walked over and sat.

I held his face in my hands "I love you, you know that right?" he nodded "and I never intend to hurt you, right?" he nodded once again, "James will never, EVER compare to you. But Niall we go to the same school and I have some of the same classes as him, different hours but that doesn't matter. I am going to be running into him time from time, and he would be a great friend, but I want you to know that I will never leave you for him."

He nodded and I gave him a kiss and he returned it. "I'm sorry for being over protective. I trust you Bridg, and I want you to know that." This time it was my turn to nod. "And sometimes I see how guys look at you and I want to be the only one to look at you that way. I know, I know I'm being selfish, but when a guy like me lands a girl like you, I just want you al to myself," I was blushing a little and at the end of the sentence, he grabbed my waist and pulled me in closer for a deep kiss.

The kiss had finally started to become more, we were starting to undress each other when little Audrey came barging into the room, "Bwidg dinners ready!"

I rolled my eyes, "Audrey we call this thing called knocking, we do it before walking into a room"

"What's that?" She completely bypassed what I said and pointed at my bra, she was am extremely curious kid. Asks questions about everything and anything,

"It's a bra Audrey," I put my shirt on and picked her up "come on let's go upstairs,"

"Why was Niall's shirt off?" we were walking up the stairs.

Niall is chuckling behind me, "it got really hot downstairs that's why Audrey," Niall told her over my shoulder. I laughed understanding his joke, but Audrey just shrugged. I put her in her high-chair, strapped her in, and pushed her to the table. Harry made some chicken with pasta. Niall made my plate and food plied on.

"Niall I could never eat this much," I laughed at his attempt to feed me.

"Time to put some meat on those bones. Just because I'm gone for a year doesn't mean you can skimp out on me," and he was right, I was losing more and more weight because of college. I had so much stress on me now that I was being paid to have good grades and I never wanted to fail the college let alone myself. I lost another five pounds on top of the five I never gained back from the crash years ago.

"Mommy what's a bra?" Audrey asks, after playing with her food for a while. I started choking on my water and Niall started patting me on my back trying to help.

"Where did you learn that word Audrey?"

"Bridget had one on and I asked what it was" Harry was laughing and I was turning bright red

"Your daughter needs to learn how to knock," I finally said after clearing my throat

"Your sister is only two years old, she doesn't know how to knock yet," Taylor defends

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