Chapter 35

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Chapter 35


I grabbed him and pulled him on top of me, giving him a deep, long kiss. Pulling away from him I looked into his eyes, "I've missed you so much!"

He smiled at me, "it has been the longest two and half months without you. I've had to entertain myself with the girls down the hall from me... they're not as good." He gave me a smirk and wink

"yeah... I mean Aaron has been pleasuring me the last few weeks, I couldn't hold on anymore. He's not too bad in bed, you know what they say about tall guys"

He flipped me over so I was now on top, "that's not funny"

"oh it's not?" I smiled at him, now bouncing up and down on his stomach, letting out a laugh.

"I just ate! I'm about to throw up all over you."

"do it. I triple dog dare you."

He made a throwing up sound and I scream laughed, still bouncing on him. He held my hips so I stopped, and I frowned at him. "why not!"

"because I seriously just ate," he smiled at me, and I smiled back; "You know this is a perfect position for..." he grabbed my hips bring me towards his face, I giggle and flipped us back over so he was on top, "I'm sorry what was that??" he chuckled and leaned in for a kiss. Our lips moved flawlessly together, and I have missed it so much. His tongue moved over my bottom lip, asking for entrance; which I granted. I put my hands up his shirt, pulling it over his head. He placed his hands under my shirt, moving them up my curves, now that I had them. He moved up feeling my breasts. I let out a small moan, missing his touch. I pulled away from him, knowing that if I were to continue, I would be breaking my promise. He smiled at me, "you feel bigger..."

I looked at him in disbelief "did you just call me fat?" he chuckled shaking his head "no, I called you healthy..." I pushed him off me, acting like I was mad, "no you called me fat. I can't believe you just called me fat!!" I let my fake tears come out, starting to put on a show

"no, baby, I didn't mean it like that." he walked over at me and I threw stuff at him, "you're so mean! Oh my god!" I started hitting his chest and water came into his eyes, "babe..."

I stopped hitting him and gave him a smile, letting out a small chuckle. "got you!!" I ran under his arms, laughing up the stairs. "you did not..." he ran up, behind me; grabbing my waist. I let out a squeal, I ran quickly getting out of his grip. I ran over and hid behind Taylor, "oh you can't use your mom to your defense," he joked at me and I jumped on her back, she just laughed, going back to cooking. I stayed on her back, putting my head on her shoulder, "whatcha makin' mommy" she laughed at my childness.

"well since you slept until noon, I am making lunch for your sister and father. Would you like some?"

"I will!" Niall spoke up next to me, Taylor turned around so we were both facing him, "you told me you just ate..."

He nodded smiling "doesn't mean I'm not hungry..."

Taylor and I both rolled our eyes and she turned back around cooking, "are you going to get off me or do I have to carry you around like a leech all day...?" Taylor asked me, mentioning how I was still on her back. I laughed jumping off of her, "my bad, but I will take food."

"How heavy are you now anyway??" Niall asked as I sat on the counter above him, I shrugged my shoulders not knowing.

"What would you guess...?"

I shrugged my shoulders once again "I donno maybe 120"

He placed his hands on my sides "nah, I'm guessing 130's, you have curves now..." I laughed at his reasoning, I got up grabbing a scale from Taylor's bathroom and setting it on the floor. Niall turned in his chair and Taylor turned around, Harry came in with Audrey.

Moments (Sequel to Adopted by Taylor Swift)Where stories live. Discover now