Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

A wedding day is completely different for women and for a man. For the woman, it the best night of your life, you watch your father give you away to the love of your life. They cry happy tears as they walk down the aisle with father in hand. You spend day and night planning this out... hoping no one gets drunk enough to ruin it. Putting hours and hours into getting ready and a squeezing into that white dress, to wait for your new husband to rip it off of you.

For the man, it's the day you get tied down for the rest of their life. They finally get to see their new wife in bed, depending on the commitment they had. They stand for hours, waiting and waiting for the hour to come, and then stand and stand saying things that sometimes will apply to them. To stand in a monkey suit sweating their ass off, to finally see the love of their life glide down the aisle.

For me... I was scared. I was scared to make the commitment, was I really ready for this day to come? Niall is the love of my life but was I too young? I spent a year and a half to set this wedding up "Bridg honey, are you-oh you look... you look absolutely beautiful" Taylor came in the door looking over at me. I had my blonde locks up in a curled updo, a tight white dress with a small train behind me. "mom I don't know if I can do this"

She walked over and put her hands to my cheeks, "of course you can. I couldn't let you if you weren't. This is your day, don't let yourself ruin it" she let out a half laugh and gave me a hug, "you looks phenomenal"

Today is August 6th; it was a nice warm sunny day for the wedding. Niall and I had decided to do it in a church, and then an outdoor reception. Our colors were the red, silver and black Niall had picked out for the day he proposed to me. Hailey was my maid of honor and then Taylor, Rachel, my cousin Kerry and Chloe were my bridesmaids. I know, it's weird to have your mom as a bridesmaid but Taylor has now become one of my best friends through this year of planning. Niall's groomsmen were Liam, Louis, Zayn his brother Greg and then after Harry walked me down, he would join the boys up. Niall asked my brother Liam but he felt more comfortable to be with my Aunt Barb during it. And then cute little Audrey was the flower girl.

Hailey walked into the room, "holy shit, you look fine girl" she smiled and then handed me her flask. Before I could grab it Taylor took it,

"you need to be able walk down the aisle sweetie"

"please mom, just something to relax the nerves." I smiled at her... trying to sway her... and I successfully did. She handed it to me and I took a swig, Hailey laughed at my cringing face, "oh my god what is this?"

"straight up gin my friend." I laughed, she still was a big drinker; I had stopped due to my medication but since I have been off it for a couple days because of the wedding. I didn't want to be clouded during it. Hailey helped me out the door and I met up with Harry, "you look stunning Bridget. Niall is one lucky man" I smiled and gave him a hug, he gave me a kiss on the cheek and grabbed my arm.

Everyone stood in front of us as they started to walk. The music started playing and I had frozen, every insecurity stood out to me, how my parents could never hold a relationship, how I never was a person to settle down until Niall, how I could all of a sudden turn into a different person. I didn't want to end up unhappy, I love Niall, but what if something just doesn't work out. "what if this doesn't work out Harry, what if I'm left alone... with no one. What if Niall and I don't work out, what will happen?"

He leaned over to my ear, "Taylor had the same exact thoughts when she stood here, she later told me. But look how happy we are, two daughters and a son on the way... if she would have backed out I don't think we would be this happy. The one thing that would happen that will make you unhappy in the future is not walking down that aisle with me and taking his hand in marriage" he pulled away and smiled at me, his tone was somewhat stern but it made an impact on my thoughts. He was right, he and Taylor are very happy and I could be that happy with Niall.

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