Chapter 7

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"Elsa. Elsa. Elsa." A voice snapped at me.

I jerked awake, sleep blurred my vision. I blinked constantly as my head, and my eyes cleared. I blinked once more before opening my well-rested eyes, seeing Tina on front of me, poking my face. My cheek was against the pillow, and my fox tail and wings were still out, warming me up, i liked being snugly. I vaguely remember summing them that previous night, just before I fell in the clutches of darkness. Tina interupted my memories and thoughts. "Elsa. Don't freak... But-" "I have a tail as a blanket and wings wrapped around me. Yes I know. I was cold last night, and Zack helped me gain a bit of control." I smiled, retracting my wings first, then shrinking my tail, hiding it completely as it bore into my skin once again.

Tina looked at me, mildly impressed. "Well good. You need to train for tonight. 8 o'clock remember? Come on! Today is our first lesson. Hopefully we will get shown around the school." Tina said, going over and pulling some clothes out of the closet. A light green T-shirt and dark blue jeans. "Come on Elsa!" She turned to me, slipping off her pyjamas and putting on the recently made clothes. I sat up in bed, leaning forward and falling. I gasped before ALMSOT making contact with the ground. I shut my eyes tightly, getting ready for the impact. It didn't come.

I squinted through my eyelashes, I was levitating, around thirty centimetres away from the floor before I felt a drift of wind, dropping me. I stood up, brushing myself off, "how did you do that? You di-didn't transform! At all." Tina remarked, her eyes searching me for any sign of an explanation.

"I. I don't know. If didn't feel like a transformation... It was kind of like... I don't know. A tug?" I suggested to Tina, whose eyes were already calculating what just happened.

"Any-who... Better get ready." I mumbled, before walking over to the closet, pulling out black leather jeans and an electric blue top, matching my eyes. I unzipped my dress, filing it back in the closet which sucked it up like a vacuum. I put on my new clothes, they fit nicely.

"What's the time?" I asked. Tina shrugged, "wait. Maybe..." I turned at the wardrobe again, reaching out, my hands fumbled on a strap. Gotcha. I thought, pulling and revealing a watch. It was light blue with designs etched across it, I didn't bother making them out now.

"We have a few more minutes" I said, grabbing a pair of boots, they weren't particularly high heeled. Which I liked. I jumped through the painting in to the bathroom, opening the draw, many things sat there. Including a new toothbrush and toothpaste. I grabbed them both, wetting the toothbrush with water perforce squirting out the toothpaste. I brushed my teeth quickly, spitting out the toothpaste and rinsing my mouth before I jumped back through the painting, heading out the door with Tina.

Many people were filing out the door already. Josh and Zack were hanging at the lounge, "Elsa!" Josh said, coming over and hugging me.

**Zack knows.** he said to me.

**i know he knows. Trust me. Because I trust him** I didn't really care if that made sense or not.

Remembering my training I turned my fingers into claws. Tiger claws. It seemed so much easier to control, but only in Small amounts. I retracted them and grew my pinky Into a whip. Retracting that as well, "guess what I found Elsa as this morning?" Tina asked the two boys.

"What?" They said in sync.

"well she had a giant fox tail, completely wrapped around her like a sleeping bag and then she had wings!" Tina said, looking at me. Josh's eyes were wide open and Zack was slightly gaping.

"And, also, she fell off her bed and just stopped in mid air without changing. Girl, you have got some powers!" Tina remarked.

"Elsa. Why? How? Can you control it?" Josh asked me. I nodded, "yeah. It depends what it is and how big it is. And also I feel more... In control. See?" I said, thinking about golden feathery angel wings, sprouting from my back.

Elsa Darknight: The discovery of LhanyiaWhere stories live. Discover now