Chapter 72

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I woke up in the light hours of the morning, getting up immediately and getting dressed.

Flexible jeans. Black top. Running shoes.

The room was empty, since Tara had to go for an early shift. And for me, well. Today was the first day of my warrior training.

I couldn't tell if I was looking forward to it or not.

Quickly brushing my teeth and washing my hair, I grabbed the hair dryer. Getting really annoyed.

"Ugh whatever!" I muttered. Summoning hot winds to flip through my hair.

Good news, it dried.

Bad news, my hair was massively clumped in knots.

I gritted my teeth, quickly dragging the hairbrush through my mop of hair.

I might be late, I popped a candy into my mouth, walking out the door.

I hung out at Zacks room, knocking lightly.

There was no answer.

Confused, I opened the door, peering in.

"Of coarse!" I grumbled. That lazy boy was asleep, probably forgot it was training.

I crept in, grabbing jeans and a shirt from his closet and chucking it on his bed, all he did was merely turn over.

I walked over, cupping my hand to his mouth.

His eyes flew opened instantly as he tried to kick me off, I ducked, backing away and lifting my finger to my lips, motioning to Josh.

He relaxed, nodding and quickly got dressed. I tapped my foot while I waited for him to brush his teeth, he grabbed my hand, leading me out the door.

"Sleep tight Josh." I mumbled, closing the door lightly behind me.

"You know you could've shaken me awake, like a normal person." He smiled.

"I'm not normal, and if I did that you wouldn't be fully awake. You're welcome by the way." I added. He flushed a deep shade of red, ducking his head and getting all awkward and stunned.

Smiling to myself, we walked together down the hall.

I stopped briefly.

"Wait... Where is this place? It's in a classroom... But which one?" I asked.

His eyes widened.

My eyes widened, oh no. I mouthed to him.

"Ah, um... Crap?" I suggested.

"Crap!" He confirmed, leading me back the way we came.

"I know it's room 888. But I don't know where that is!" He mumbled, running and desperately checking the doors.

"There!" I yelled, almost ripping his arm off as we changed coarse.

Together we tumbled through the door, the group was there, stunned faces greeted us. Soon it turned to smirks.

I let go of Zacks hand, we both blushed awkwardly.

"Late comers?" A low growl said. I turned my head, greeted by a big burly guy.

He had ripped abs and muscles, no smile lines and his mouth seemed constantly plastered into a scowl.

This guy had weapons strapped around him. Guns, swords, spears, axes, you name it. He has it.

"I am Instructor Einar." He greeted me coldly.

Not knowing what to say, I blurted out "your name legit means 'warrior leader'" I stated stupidly. He raised an eyebrow. "I know. 20 push ups for you and your, ah, friend. And then repeat, while sitting on each other's backs." His eyes glinted evilly at me.

I cast a glance at Zack, "whatever" he said to Instructor Einar.

"Young man, for that, you can do 10 extra more." He scowled.

"His name is Zack. Not 'young man'" I spat at the instructor, being extremely smart.

"Hold your tongue girl." He growled at me, I was already walking over to the corner of the room, dropping and doing the push-ups. I was glad that Sam andDavid had given me some pre-training.

Zack joined me, evening with my pace, dropping to the ground when we were done.

I sat on him, trying to make myself as light as possible, of coarse my boys weight was like a group of feathers.

Breezily, he finished, awkwardly laying on me, his legs in the air.

I tried not to crumble under him, I was smaller and more dainty but still! Give me some slack.

I took in a deep breath, sucking up all the pain and weight as I did the push ups, not once complaining.

"Sorry." Zack mumbled in my ear when I had finished, I guess my face must have been pretty red. "Nah it's fine." I smiled back to him reassuringly.

"Eugh. Love. Gross." Muttered the Instructor.

Now it was my turn to scowl at him, my eyes seemed to be shooting daggers at Einar.

"Come over here. You're late. And I expect you to follow everyone else, it's time you did an obstacle coarse." He smiled evilly at me, as if imagining how I'd die.

He turned away, ignoring us as he talked to the rest of the group coldly, at least he didn't play favourites.

"Let's begin." He addressed the group, after stating the rules.

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