Chapter 35

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After eating, and a little beat up session, all of he people were on my back, I transformed into a dragon, seats were formed out of my skin. Matilda was giving them a brief explanation on my powers, little enough not to hurt me, but enough to be enlightened. I soared overhead, the sun was starting to sink, quickly I stopped in the air, hovering.

**Zack... How do we umm... Help the students and the fake teaches? The monster transformers?** I asked through my sword. There was a short silence.

**crap! I guess we have to fight... Wait. First warn Tin-** I cut him off, already in conversation with Tina.

**Tina! We are coming back! Get ready to fight. Don't trust the teachers! They are monsters. Not all of them! Some are inhuman and monotoned. Quickly warn the students and gather weapons. We will be there in the hour** I quickly said to her.

**Elsa what?** she asked me, her voice was panicked.

**Tara! No time for questions. JUST GO! We will explain it all later!** I said cutting her off as I resumed flying, my wings are flapping to a faster beat.

Finally after a long, panic-stricken hour I could finally see the castle in view. However something was wrong.

I went to full speed, ignoring the surprised explanations behind me.

"Everyone get ready to fight!" Zack shouted, probably realising the same thing I did; Lhanyia was in danger.

I flew over the fields, crash landing and quickly returning myself to human form, my swords were in my hands and Atlas was back in my bracelet. My dagger was safely in my belt.

"Quickly! Everyone go go go!" I screamed, already leading the way. As I got closer I could see flashes of spells and.. Fire.

I got impatient and quickly ran at an immense pace, whipping through the crowd of people. I slashed the foes around me, the teachers had transformed back to their monster self, giving me an advantage.

Inside the castle was an all-out war. Their were bodies on the floor and blood splattered the walls, green and red alike. Not looking at the bodies in my way, I focused completely on the battle. I advanced to a monster, swiftly stabbing it as the life ebbed away, I slashed ones hip, leaving other people to take care of it. I was more focused on protecting my friends.

I saw my mother across the field, her head was blood soaked and she was limping, her arm was at an awkward angle and even from here I could see she was too tired to vast any more spells. I hastily ran over, fighting the monster in front of her, I slashed at it, often missing as it numbly jumped aside. I growled in frustration, only focused on that monster and that one alone. I didn't realise the one creeping up behind me.

In one swift movement I leaped aside, but I was too late. My arm got slashed. I gasped as I fell to the ground, pain blocking my vision. I looked up at the advancing monster, getting ready for the killing blow. The next thing that happened was a blur, the monster was bringing it's sharp jagged claws towards my heart, a body leaped in front of me, taking the killing blow herself as she kicked the monster hard in the face; causing it to explode.

I heard a scream fill the air, a pang shot through me as I realised it was my scream. And the body that lay on the floor was my mother.

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